Chapter 29- Follow your Heart

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Liam's POV

I regretted saying I didn't care to Kyler. I was just frozen, and I was scared she was going to love Nathan again. When I saw them kiss, I didn't like it at all. I got upset, angry, everything.

The worst part is I just let her walk away. And now I can't find her. I started walking in the direction she went, looking for her anywhere.

I searched and searched, until I found her, right next to the water, laying on her side, facing the ocean. She was sleeping. It didn't look like she was having a nightmare like usual, but she was talking in her sleep. It was usually just a mumble, but then I heard: "I love you too Nathan." Then a faint smile appeared on her lips, her eyes still glued shut. I was shocked, my eyes growing wide as I picked her up bridal style, wiping the sand off of her face and body.

I carried her all the way to the beach house, walking up the stairs, and setting her down on her bed. She woke up, her eyes barely fluttering open as I took her shoes off and put the covers over her.

She looked at me, turning her head to the side in confusion.

"Are you still mad?" She asked me, looking down and messing with her fingernails.

"Kyler...I never was."

"But you said you never cared." She mumbled, avoiding eye contact with me.

"I know, and I'm sorry." I said.

She stayed silent.

"Kyler. I don't know what to do. I love you. Get it in your head. Your whole life you have felt unloved and mistreated, so you built up walls and to yourself. But, you've finally opened up a little bit. Please, just learn to trust me. You need to quit keeping your feelings in and let them out sometimes." I said, looking straight at her, never looking away.

It was then she ran to me. Wrapping her arms around my torso and spilling her tears all over her shirt.

"Liam, I'm so sorry. I didn't want to do it. I can't let him hurt you. He saw us again. I'm scared, Liam. I can't do that to you. I would rather get hurt, then you get hurt. You have One Direction, and I won't let you lose that. You need to go home." Kyler said, not even trying to hide her tears. It broke my heart when she said that.

"No. I'm not leaving without you, I can't do that. And I won't Kyler. I finally get to be with you, I'm not going anywhere." I said calmly.


"No. I am not going anywhere Kyler. I don't care if you want me to or not, I'm staying here. I have to protect you. Tori and Niall are coming tomorrow so you and Tori can go have what you call 'girl time', okay?" I said, walking up to her.

"Okay." She smiled, as I kissed her on the cheek.

Then, she went in the bathroom to take a shower, as I stripped to my boxers, and laid down in the bed, until I heard my phone buzz. Management.

I ignored it until I got another call. It was Louis.


"Dude, you're in trouble."


"You haven't seen?"

"No? What am I looking for?"

"You and Kyler are on the front cover of some magazines."


"So is some other dude. They're saying his name is Nathan. There's a whole story on it. And a bunch of pictures. Where's Kyler? You need to read it, but I don't know if Kyler can handle it all right now."

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