Chapter 37- London is home.

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Liam's POV

"Good morning." I spoke, Kyler's eyes fluttering open as I kissed her forehead to wake her up.

"Can't we just lay here?" She said in a tired voice.

"Our flight leaves in two hours, love. We have to get ready." I said as I kissed Kyler's lips before getting out of the bed. She tried to pull me back in the bed, but I just grabbed her waist and pulled her out of the bed, making her go in the bathroom to shower. I made sure Tori and Niall were up, and then went downstairs to see Austin and Hannah making breakfast.

"Do you ever sleep?" I asked them, chuckling. They both shook their heads and laughed.

"We're vampires." Hannah smirked, as Austin pulled her closer to him, rubbing her stomach that had a small bump signalling the baby's growth.

By the time they finished breakfast, me trying to help, Kyler had made it downstairs, freshly showered and dressed. She smile at me and kissed me on the lips, then turned to help set the table. I smirked as I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind, softly kissing her cheek. She smiled and turned around to face me, quickly pecking my lips and turning back around.

Tori and Niall followed soon after downstairs, both of them also ready.

When we finished breakfast, Kyler helped with the dishes and we said our goodbyes. Kyler's took a little longer, tears rolling down her cheeks as she gave Hannah and Austin a hug.

"Promise to call me at least once a week?" Kyler said.

"Of course." Hannah said. Kyler leaned down where her head was leveled with Hannah's stomach.

"Now you be good, baby. I promise to be here when you're born." She slightly tapped Hannah's stomach and stood back up, giving her best friends one last hug before walking back over to me, grabbing my hand in hers, the other one clutching on to her suitcase. Tori and Niall followed after us as we took a taxi to the airport, squeezing in the backseat.


Kyler's POV

Once we arrived to the airport, we went through the ticket part and the security, all of us getting through with no trouble. We all had hoodies and sunglasses in to hide our appearance, none of us in the mood for fans right now no matter how much we loved them.

As we waited for our flight, all of us followed people on Twitter, I scrolled through Tumblr, and I even went on my old Facebook that I deactivated when fans found it. My friend requests were in the thousands, with even more messages and notifications. I added everyone I could and deactivated the account that I could.

When our flight was called, we all walked to our flight and took our designated seats in first class. I put in my headphones, putting my music on shuffle, then soon falling asleep.

I was awoken by a tap on the shoulder, seeing the flight attendant with one of those fake 'kill me' smiles plastered on her face.

"Ma'am. We've landed in London." She said politely.

"Thank you." I smiled, before walking off the plane.

Liam was waiting for me, and he grabbed my hand before zipping up his hoodie and putting his sunglasses on, me doing the same soon after. We walked in the airport, going to get our luggage and then we looked around for everyone.

I spotted a group of people, dressed sort of like us, but there backs were turned to us. One finally turned around and I recognized it as Justice, so I let go of Liam's hand and ran to her, practically jumping on her. She stumbled backwards, but she didn't fall. I then hugged Louis, he practically crushed me, squeezing me so hard. I hugged Zayn and Kenia, before turning to Harry. We had an awkward stare for a few seconds, before I wrapped my arms around his torso, causing him to wrap his arms back around me. "We need to talk." He whispered, before letting go of me. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, but quickly let it go before turning back to everyone else.

We all walked to the car, me sitting in the very back, beside Liam, Justice and Louis, in front of us was Tori, Niall, and Kenia, Harry was driving, and Zayn was in the passenger's seat. We drove to our building, all of us piling out. Liam hesitated to grab my hand, looking at me for reassurance and I nodded slightly. I'm not gonna hide us from Harry, I won't do that to either of them. We all went in the elevator, going to the top floor, then they went to their flat and I went to mine. I went straight to my bedroom, unpacking all my clothes and putting my suitcase back under my bed.

I got a text from Justice, telling me to come over so I locked my door and walked to their door, knocking on the door.

"Whooooo is it?" Louis said in a girly voice.

"Taylor Swift." I said sarcastically.

"No, Harry doesn't want you back! You can't come in, I'm sorry!" Louis yelled.

I rolled my eyes and walked through the door, seeing Louis with a smirk plastered on his face. "You're so weird, Louis." I laughed, playfully punching his arm and walking in the other room where everyone was.

Liam was sitting on the left end of the couch, so I walked to sit beside him, but he grabbed my waist and pulled me in his lap. I giggled and snuggled closer to him, laying my head on his chest. Louis came and sat beside us, then quickly pulled me off of Liam and into the floor.

"Thanks, Lou." I said, playfully sticking my tongue out at him like a 5 year old. I got back up, squeezing in between Louis and Liam, immediately putting my legs over Louis' lap and Liam putting his arm around me as I leaned on him.

After everyone was in the room, we all talked about what we did while we were away and then we all quickly fell silent when a smirk was plastered on Louis' face.

"What?" Harry asked.

"I have an idea!" He yelled before running out of the room. We all looked at each other in confusion for a few minutes before he came back, a bowl with strips of paper folded up in it.

"Uhh..." Justice said in confusion.

"Here's how it works. All the guys names are in this bowl. The girls will pick a name, and whoever they pick, they have to spend the whole night and whole day together. Same bed, same room. This is testing everyone's jealousy, so if you get your boyfriend, then you have to put it back and pick a different one. Also, my name isn't in the bowl. I will be watching every group and will be giving you cards with dares, or questions on them. So, let's do this! Justice, go first." Louis said.

Justice put her hand in the bowl, closing her hand and picking out a strip of paper. "Niall" She said, walking over to Niall and sitting beside him. Kenia went next. "Liam" Then, it was Tori, with either Zayn or Harry left. "Zayn." She said. I went last, knowing the person I had already gotten. "Harry." I said, getting up from my place with Liam and walking over to sit with Harry.

This should be fun.


If you haven't watched the movie 'The Host', go watch it.


Or go die.

Anwhore ;D, an update will come soon.

New amazing characters in the next chapter!

Okay. Bye now.

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