Chapter 30- They're here.

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Kyler's POV

'Kyler McHugh, In it for the money?!' The front cover read, along with the picture of me and Liam.

I opened up the magazine, going to the page they had put the story on, reading the pages.

'Kyler McHugh, a seventeen year old american was spotted with Liam Payne, from One Direction in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. They were holding hands, kissing, and they sure looked like a couple! But, the real question is, is Kyler in it for the money? Not too long ago, it was confirmed she was dating the one and only Harry Styles. And now Liam? Who's next? Zayn? Niall? Louis? From what we have learned, Kyler is working at Starbucks, living in a flat right next to the boys. She doesn't have much money, and One Direction definitely does. If she isn't in it for the money, what could it be? Also spotted near Liam and Kyler was a mysterious boy, who we found out to be Nathan Moore. He is a few years older than Kyler and they sure looked close too. We've got tons of pictures of the two of them kissing, holding hands, and even one where Liam is in the background as they kissed. So is Kyler a cheater? Who knows? The fans also aren't happy. We've seen very many tweets about her and the relationship with the boys. Examples are: "That slutbag, get a life freak", or "Kyler is just a gold-digging slut. She doesn't care about those boys or anyone." There was also many trends on Twitter soon after like #Kylerisaslut and #GoKillYourselfKyler.'

As soon as I finished reading the sentence, I guess Liam noticed the tears rolling down my cheeks or the magazine, so he jerked it out of my hand, throwing it in a nearby trashcan.

"Kyler? Don't read that stuff. It's horrible. I've already read it." Liam said, reaching to grab my hand but I jerked it away.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I said sniffling.

"I didn't want to hurt you." He said.

"I think you've already covered that." I spat.

"'s for the best if we aren't-"

"I said save it. Maybe it is for the best. I already said that before us even happened. No offense, but if you really loved me and really cared, you wouldn't break up with me about a magazine. Yeah, the article did hurt, but is breaking my heart going to fix them not writing the story, Liam? No. It won't. You just made it worse. Just, stay away." I said, getting up and walking away.

I then turned around because I wanted to see Tori and Niall. But, I didn't even look at Liam when I sat back down. About 20 minutes later, I saw two heads of blonde hair come into sight. I ran up to them, Niall getting to me first, picking me up into a bear hug. Niall really does give the best hugs. I then ran to Tori, giving her a huge hug as well.

Liam showed up behind me, giving Niall a hug and smiling at Tori. But, I continued to ignore him.

"I heard about you two. Congratulations." Tori said smiling, where only I could hear. I gave her a sad smile, and she looked at me confused. "Long story." I whispered.

She nodded, looking at me, letting me know I was telling her later.

I could feel Liam's eyes on me, as me and Tori locked arms, Tori's other hand laced with Niall's. Liam awkwardly walked beside Niall, making sure to keep distance. I know, I'm being really cold to him, and I might seem like a big bitch, but he hurt me. He can't just say he loves me and then hurts me like that.

We all put on hoodie's and sunglasses, so we wouldn't be seen, getting into the car, and driving back to the beach house. Tori and Niall sat up front, leaving me and Liam in the back. Needless to say, it was awkward.

"Kyler...please. We need to talk about this." Liam pleaded beside me, keeping his voice low so only I could hear.

"What is there to talk about? What's done is done." I said, running my fingers through my hair.

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