Chapter 39- Let's just forget last night ever happened.

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Kyler's POV

"Harry. Harry get up." I said, panicking. He didn't move, just mumbled something and went back to sleep, his arms still strongly wrapped around my waist.

I heard the door start to creak open, so I quickly shut my eyes, pretending to be asleep in hopes that it wasn't Liam at the door.

"Kyler?" Liam's voice rang, as I heard multiple footsteps coming in. So, all of them were coming. Great.

I opened my eyes slowly, pretending to just wake up. I looked at Liam to see a pained expression on his face, before he stalked out the door and the door to his bedroom was slammed shut.

All eyes were on me as I softly woke Harry up, him immediately taking his arms away from me as soon as he was fully awake, both of us fully sitting up.

"Kyler I'm sor-" Harry started, but I quickly cut him off.

"Don't be. It's okay. I forgot you did that in your sleep."

I avoided the angry stares I was getting until one of them spoke up. "WHAT THE FUCK KYLER?!" Niall yelled.

"I-I'm sorry. But, it was the rules."

"So now it's my fault?!" Louis yelled.

"No, of course not. It's nobody's fault but my own. I'm sorry." I said.

"No, it's my fault." Harry spoke from behind me. I looked at him with pleading eyes, begging him not to tell them about the kiss.

"It's not, Harry and-" Zayn said.

"Do not blame this on Kyler. It's my fault for kissing her, it's my fault for everything!" He said, quickly covering his mouth at what he said. My eyes were just as wide as everyone else's in the room.

"Wait, you two kissed?!" Tori yelled.

"No, it wasn't an actual kiss. I stopped him before-"

I was cut off again. "Before what?! You got caught?!" Kenia yelled at me.

"No I-"

"And you two went Skinny Dipping!" Justice yelled.

"Would you please let me finish?!" I raised my voice. "We didn't actually kiss, our lips barely touched before I stopped him FOR Liam and he understood that. Then we talked everything out and came back here and then we got the swimming dare card and went downstairs. Harry swam in his boxers and I swam in his shirt. Then, when we got changed we went to bed and I wasn't gonna make him have the floor of his own room and he wouldn't let me sleep on the floor so we slept on the bed far away from each other and this morning we ended up like that."

All I heard was mumbles of 'Ohs', 'Okays', and 'Whatever' before I walked out the door and going to Liam's room. I didn't bother knocking because I knew the door was locked and he wouldn't let me in, so I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen from the kitchen and wrote a small note on it:

'I'm going to the park. You can come, but I'm sure you won't. I'll see you later, if you even want to see me. I'm sorry.

I love you. Don't forget that.'

I folded it up, sliding it under his door, then going back to Harry's room to tell everyone bye. But what I saw was everyone scolding him.

"Guys stop it! It wasn't his fault just leave him alone!" I yelled, before walking out the door and into my flat. I changed into a cream sweater, grey skinny jeans, my usual converse, and a grey beanie. I had straightened my hair earlier so I didn't have to worry about that. I made sure my phone was in my back pocket before locking my flat door and sticking my keys in my front pocket.

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