Chapter 53- I won't give up on her.

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Kyler's POV

"Why are we leaving so early?" I asked, quietly.

"I don't have any clothes, babe." Nathan said, pecking my cheek.

I sighed quietly and finished packing my suitcase for the week before following Nathan out of our flat we literally just moved into, waiting for him as he grabbed my hand and led us downstairs to the lobby. I noticed as we passed the magazines, Liam's face along with a girl named Sophia was on the front cover.

'LIAM PAYNE AND SOPHIA SMITH, OVER ALREADY!' It said and I couldn't help but smile. I know it's bad for me to be happy, but I don't want him to move on even if I say I do. I love him and I know I am being selfish, but, I don't want him to get over me even if I know he should. But what happened? He looked so happy.

I shrugged it off as we got in Nathan's car and sat in the passenger seat. I wonder how he got used to driving on the opposite side so quickly.

As he got in the car, he kissed me and started the engine as I laid my head on the window. I miss Liam. I miss my friends. I miss my happiness. I miss my emotions. I miss everything.

I mentally groaned as Nathan put his hand on my thigh, rubbing it up and down my jean covered leg as he drove to the airport.

He drove fast as usual, so we reached the airport in 10 minutes. I sighed and got my luggage out of the trunk as Nathan grabbed my hand. He had left his luggage at the flat since he had clothes to bring here anyways.

We were leaving the car at the airport for the week and so he locked it and we walked in the airport.

He gave the lady our tickets and then we went through security. We waited for our plane for about 30 minutes until our flight was called.

I didn't want to leave. I don't care if it was just for a week. We boarded the plane and waited to take off.

I stayed awake the whole flight, nervous as to what everyone is going to think about my 'engagement.' I am excited to see my friends but I am ready to be home.


Liam's POV

"So they aren't there?" Erika asked.

"Nope. They checked out yesterday. " I said.

"You don't think..." Tori started.

"No. I don't. Well, at least I hope she stays here." I said.

Do you want to call her?" Niall asked.

"She blocked me. I've already tried. She's blocked all of us." I said.

"Or Nathan blocked her." Kenia said and we all nodded. That was a very good possibility considering the fact Nathan is waaay overprotective and hates all of us.

"Wait. Hannah just texted me." Tori said. She showed us her phone and Hannah's name was on the screen with a text message.

'Call me now. We're confused.' It said. Tori pressed the call button and it answered after only two rings.

"What the hell is going on?!" She yelled.

"Kyler's engaged to Nathan because he found her and she is only with him to protect all of us and now they are no where to be found so we have no idea what to do." Justice said.

"They're here." Hannah said softly.


"Yeah. Nathan brought her here for a week so he could get the rest of their clothes and then he's moving to London in a flat. I actually have the address." Hannah said, "She looks really depressed and very unhappy."

I sighed and we finally hung up.


"Calm down, babe. At least they're staying in England." Josh said trying to hold back a laugh.

Hannah texted me the address and I screenshotted it so I could go there next week. I am not giving up on Kyler. I don't care what I have to do. I will get her back and I'm not stopping until I do. I love her.

And I won't let her go.


No pun intended. Hahaha.


Sorry I haven't updated! But I love you!


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