Chapter 43- Giggles.

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Niall's POV

We watched as the girls gobbled down all of the dessert that they had no idea had weed in them.

This should be fun.

"Do you know what would make this more fun?" I asked the boys as we all waited for. I sent a suggestive smirk and Louis laughed.

"I guess I'll be right back with...drinks." Zayn said, grabbing his keys and walking out.

"I'm hungryyyyyy." Tori whined.

"Yeah, well I'm tired." Justice said.

"Liam, Go get us some food." Kyler added.

"I think you'll be fine, babe. Zayn went to the store." Liam told her and she nodded.

When Zayn returned with the alcohol, the girls immediately took one and were chugging them down by the minute.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Calm down there." Josh said to Erika as she opened her 3rd drink in 10 minutes, downing it in 2 minutes. All the girls finished the pack in 30 minutes. It was a lot too. They were all pretty wasted, and high.

"OH HI JOSHY." Erika yelled.

"Niall!" Tori yelled, running to me and jumping on top of me. She looked at me weirdly, furrowing her eyes and scrunching her nose, leaning in close to my hair.

"Tori, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Your hair....IT'S TURNING BROWN." She yelled, jumping off of me. I laughed as she fell on the floor and got back up, turning back to the giggling girls behind her.


Louis' POV

The boys and I laughed as the girls stumbled around the flat.


"Justice, babe. They don't all have to have stripes." I told her and she stomped her foot and groaned.

"Yes they do! Screw this shirt!" She yelled, then proceeding to strip her shirt off and throwing it to the floor, leaving her bra on and staring at me. All the boys gasped, but the girls just laughed.

My eyes widened as I put my arms around her, attempting to block her from view. I started walking towards our room with my arms still around her. "NOTHING TO SEE HERE." I yelled as I closed the door to our room. I went to Justice's drawer and gave her the first striped T-shirt I saw and helping her put it on.

"Awwwhhhh...Thank you Louis. I LOVE YOU." She said, putting the shirt on and kissing me. Her breath smelled mostly of alcohol, but I didn't care.

She sprinted out the room and I walked out behind her, going back in the living room.

"JOSHHHYYYY." Erika yelled at the top of her lungs.

"Yes?" He said holding back a laugh.

"I'M BORED." She yelled. "AND I'M HOT." She yelled before being the second person to strip her shirt off. She had a tank top on so it didn't bother any of us.


Zayn's POV

"DJ MALIK DJ MALIK." Kenia yelled around the room before literally attacking me, making me fall to the ground. She fell on top of me and I held on to her as she pecked my lips. Once she pulled away, she laid her head on my chest and closed her eyes.

"Do you want to get up and go to bed?" I asked her. She shook her head no.

"NO YOU'RE COMFY." She said, practically yelling. A giggle escaped her lips as I kissed her nose, her breath smelling like alcohol and weed. She kept moving, 'getting comfortable', is what she said.

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