Chapter 17- Just Do It.

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Harry's POV

Just do it, Harry.

"Harry, what is it? Are you okay?" Her beautiful features softened, looking at me worriedly.

Leave it to her to always be worried.

She's so beautiful.

I don't deserve her.

Just tell her, Harry. She'll understand!

"She kissed me."

"What? Who?" She asked, confused. Glancing over at Liam, then turned her focus back to me, her hazel eyes piercing into my emerald ones.

"Uhm...Brittany. The, the Doctor." I said nervously.

I came over to her bed and tried to grab her hand, but she pulled away.

"Oh." Was all she said before rolling over in the bed, her back facing me. But, before that, I saw a single tear toll down her cheek.

"Kyler, I promise I didn't kiss back. I pushed her away immediately and called for another doctor. I'm sorry, please forgive me, but I understand if you don't.." I said, looking at my feet.

She didn't answer, keeping her back to me as I held in the tears that were attempting to fall.

She eventually went back to sleep, sleeping peacefully.

And, minutes later, I did the same, drifting to sleep as I let the tears finally stream down my face. She shut me out, and now I don't know what's gonna happen next.

"I'll leave you two alone for a while. I'm gonna go check on the others." Liam said, walking out.

*2 Hours Later*

"No, please, don't hurt me! Stop, please:"

I jerked away, seeing Kyler stirring in her sleep. Her heart was racing on the monitor, and she was crying, but her eyes were still shut.

She was shivering, and shaking, gripping onto the sheets of her bed.

My girl, was having a nightmare.

I couldn't stand watching this anymore. I hate to wake her up, and she's not really talking to me.

But she's still my girlfriend.

Before I could do anything, she shot awake, sitting up in her bed, as she looked around.

"H-h-Harry?" She said, still sobbing.

"Yes, love."

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what, babe? You haven't done anything."

"I-I, I didn't forgive you, and I should have. I believe you, Harry. If you said you didn't do anything, you, you didn't." She said.

"Baby, I am the one who's sorry. You didn't do anything."

"O-okay." She said. She was shaking, and shivering, still scared from her nightmare.

"Are you okay? What happened, Kyler?"

"N-n-Nothing, it, it was just a dre-dream." She said.

I wasn't convinced.

I'll get it out of her eventually, I don't want to pressure her.

"Okay." Was all I said before she scooted over so I could climb in bed with her, obviously too scared to sleep on her own.

I kicked my shoes off, going over to her before laying down, staring right into her eyes. I softly used my thumb to wipe her tears away, and leaned in, softly kissing her. She was so fragile and innocent.

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