Chapter 30

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Tris POV

I wake up to white everything. White walls, white bed, white chairs. 'Where am I?' I think.

Then it hits me. Not literally, thank goodness. I'm in a hospital.

I remember everything, the beating, the call, the ambulance, everything. But I remember something else that hurts the most, Four. The words he said to me. I'm in the hospital and I need him, but I can't have him, he hurt me, and Mom said I can't see him or talk to him again anyway.

As fear overcomes me I try to get out of the bed. But I can't. It hurts, so bad. The doctors must have done something because I can feel my back again and I can move now, it just hurts.

I see tubes in my arms and multiple IVs in my hands.

The door suddenly opens and a doctor about 6 feet in her mid thirties interrupts my thoughts. "Oh, I didn't know you were awake," she says. Despite the pain, I move away from her until I can't anymore. "No need to be scared of me, I'm just a doctor," the woman says. When she realizes that I'm not going to respond she starts pushing me. "Look, I need answers. So, I'm just gonna get right to the point. The marks on your back are obviously beating marks, mind to tell me why and who did it," she pushes.

I stare at my hands. If I tell then she will call cops and whatnot, Mom will plead guilty and then things will just get worse at home. "Ma'am?" The lady asks. My head snaps up. "I understand this is hard for you, so why don't we start with the easy stuff," the lady asks. I look at my hands. She takes it as a yes and starts.

"We don't know your name. What is it?"
"B-Beatrice. But I-I go by T-Tris," I stutter, still looking at my hands.
"What a pretty name, Tris," the lady says, trying to be friendly so I won't be scared anymore.
"Okay, next question. How old are you?"
"1-15 (sorry idk who to right her stuttering with numbers and remember, she is only a freshman, I wanted this story to last long)
"15. Great age. Do you know how tall you are?"
"A-almost f-five one,"
"Oh, yeah I thought you were quite short for your age. Anyway, what about weight?"
I shrug. I had stopped eating and then started eating again. I really have no idea, and I don't want to know.
"Okay. Is there anyone you would like to call?"
I shake my head. I can't call Four, and I can't call anyone else in the gang because then I'll have to explain.
"Alright. Now the hard stuff. Was this caused by a beating? It looks like it."
I can't lie, my brains barely knew the answers to the other questions, it took a minute, forget making up a story. So, I do something that can make or break my life, probably the second one,

I nod.

"Okay, is this the first time this has happened?"
I shake my head.
"No? Does it happen a lot?"
I nod.
"Okay. How long has this been happening?"
"S-since I w-was s-six."
"Six? Wow. Who does this?"
"M-my step mom," (yes, I said step. But that's for another time.)
"Step mom. Now, I need to make a call,"
"No!" I say as loud as possible, which is a normal level of speaking for a normal person. "P-please, don't. Please," I beg.
"I'm sorry, sweetie but it's the responsible thing to do. You can't keep dealing with this."
"Please. Y-Your the o-only o-one that k-knows h-here. Please."
"Tris, I have to turn her in."
"It w-won't work. T-trust me. She'll, s-she'll get a-away w-with it. T-then it will o-only be w-worse at, a-at h-home."
The doctors face softens, like she understands. "Are you sure?"
I nod.
She takes a deep breath. "Okay, it's just between us. I'll make up a story or something."
My eyes widen, "T-thank y-you!"
"Your very welcome. Now, this stats between us if you answer this question honestly and if you will let me check on you while you're here," she says
I nod, agreeing.
"Okay, honestly, does anyone else know about this besides me?"
I nod.
"M-my step mom obviously, my D-dad, b-brother, and....boyfriend," I say, hesitating to say boyfriend. I mean, yeah he hurt me, but I guess we didn't technically break up. We just had a fight, right? (Rhyme not intended)
"Okay. Now let me check you," she says.
She checks my blood pressure, heart, sight, movement, and memory. When she's done she leaves.

I look at the clock and it reads 2:00pm. That means school isn't even out yet.

As my eyes roam the room, they land on something surprising. My phone. How in the world did my phone get here? I reach my arm out to grab it and pain blossoms through my body. I do my best to ignore it and I grab it and move it so it's in front of my face.

I turn it on I have over 30 text messages. I scroll through them. A little over half of them are from Four. The rest are from the gang.

-F I'm so sorry Tris
-F please forgive me
-F I didn't mean it
-F I promise
-F please
-F why aren't u at school
-F r u sick
-F Caleb's here.
-F where r u
-F please answer me
-F please
-F I'm so sorry.
-F please forgive me
-F why aren't u answering
-F r u that mad
-F I deserve it
-F please tell me where u r
-F I'm worried sick
-F please

-C, S, M, L where r u
-C 4 told me what he said to u
-C please answer

-Z 4 didn't mean what he said
-U where r u! I need u! Everyone else r pansycakes
-A hi. We don't talk much
-W r u ok

I respond to everyone but I don't say that I'm in the hospital, I say that I'm sick. I wait before I respond to Four though. Then I text him.

-T why do u care
-F bc I like u. I'm so so so so so so sorry. Please forgive me
-T what u said hurt
-F I know. I don't know why I said that. I was just mad. I didn't mean it at all
-T promise?
-F promise
-T I forgive u but the healing will take time.
-F I know. So r we together?
-T idk
-F that's ok. But where r u
-T hospital
-T yeah
-F why?
-T beating last night. 6 hours
-F wow. What hospital
-T the one by Walmart
-F k. I'll come over after school
-T u don't have to
-F I want to
-T yeah but I have tubes in and I look terrible
-F it's impossible 4 u to look terrible
-T ....Wait? R u texting in class
-F yes
-T *face palm*
-F okay, see u soon. Bye
-T bye

So that was are conversation.

The nurse came in and checked on me. The visiting is supposed to be Family only but she said she will make an exception.

I look at the clock and end up falling asleep.

Heyyyy! No rambling here so 3 votes for an extra update and comment ur Q and A questions! Bye!! ✌️*

-stay sparkly ✨

Forever and AlwaysOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz