Chaper 10

166 8 1

* DON'T WATCH THE VIDEO YET! It's for later. And I DON'T own this song or this video! hey guys! Hope you guys are having a good few last days of school! Then we get to 😎+🏊= YASS! Instead of 2-1=1. The only math I'm fine with is, 4+6=Fourtris! Yay! Anyway, here we go!*

Tris POV

I wake up and look around. I see that Four has left, and Caleb is drooling in his sleep, and Dad is putting my stuff up in my duffle bag. "Dad?" I ask. He looks up. My voice is nearly gone, it's nothing but a whisper. "Hey, princess. How did you sleep?" I give him a half smile. "Good. Where's Four?" I ask. My dad looks at me and walks over to my bed. "He left at 9 because it was a school night." He pauses for a minute like he's trying to decide to say something or not. After a second he starts talking. He's smiling too. "I know what's going on between you two." He pauses a minute. I look him in the eyes and get ready to do my puppy dog face if needed. He waits a second longer. Then he speaks, "And I approve."

I feel relief run through my body. "Last night we were talking while you went to sleep the first time, and he seemed very nice and kind. I was going to approve but I hadn't quite decided yet, and that's when you woke up. He took care of you and calmed you down, that was so sweet and he didn't have to do that." He finishes. "Thank you Daddy!" I say. He smiles. I want to hug him but it hurts to move my upper body. After that I get out my homework and do another 20 pages before I have to get ready. My dad and Caleb did about half and I did the other half.

When I have to get ready, I try to get up and I accidentally do it to fast. I cry out in pain. My dad rushes over, "Easy princess. Take it easy." He puts a hand on my shoulder blade and he helps me sit up, slowly. Even though we're being careful, and slow, it's still painful. But I somehow manage. Dad helps me get ready and it took about 10 minutes because of all the pain.

My dad asked me if I wanted to go to school and I said yes. Once again, I hate makeup work. The nurse comes in and I start shaking. "We need her in a wheelchair because the medicine made her weak and very tired." Uh, did she just call me weak?! Oh no she didn't, but I actually agree with her for once. I mean, it hurts to move, and it's a challenge to just lift an arm. But regardless, there was no way I'm going to school in a wheelchair. So, the nurse and I go into an argument about the wheelchair and finally she gives up so I get to go on churches instead. Walking out was slow and painful, but I made myself carry my own backpack. I have to challenge myself, don't I?

We got into the car and Dad drove us to school. On the way I remember my question I had earlier. "Dad? Where's Mom?" I ask. He takes a minute to answer. "The night before your first day of school, she went to a sleepover and wanted to stay a few extra nights."
"Oh." Is all I can say. She's done this before, but I regret when she comes back, she'll be in the mood for hitting someone, and that someone will be me.

When we arrive, I go straight to my locker, because it will take me a while to get from my locker to my first class. I put in my combination, and open it. After I stuff my gym bag and my extra stuff for last night inside, I put my book bag over my shoulder, which causes large amounts of pain. I bite my lip really hard and just when I'm about to start walking, I hear, "Hey," behind me. I slowly turn around and I see Four. "Hey. Thanks for visiting and everything yesterday." My voice is almost completely gone. He smiles. "No problem. How you feeling?" I sigh. "Well, I can't do gym today, I'm actually surprised I made it this far, to be honest." He kisses my forehead. "You'll feel better." He says. I give him a questionable look. "How do you know?" I ask. His smile becomes bigger. "Because I'm Four!" He says. "Here," he slings my book bag over his shoulder, "let me help you with that."
"Oh, you don't have to-" I'm cut of by Four. "I know. I want to. Come on, let's walk." He walks at my pace and I'm grateful for the company.

When we finally arrive to social studies, we still have about 10 minutes before class starts. I sit down slowly and Four sits down next to me. I let him talk because my throat is hurting really bad and I have like no voice. But there is something that has been scratching at the back of my head, for me to tell him. I was finally able to gather up enough strength to talk. "Four. I need to tell you something." He looks at me and nods. "Since you're transferring into my science class, I need to tell you my real name."
"You don't have to-"
"No, I need to. The teacher uses that name a lot to embarrass me, and I'd much rather for you to hear it from me first." I swallow and clear my throat. "My real name's Beatrice." I wait for laughing but he doesn't. So, I continue. "My mom gave me that name, and I don't want to have any part of her with me, so I go by Tris. My dad and Caleb call me Beatrice though, they feel like they need too." I finish. My throat is burning and I'm scared to look at Four. I'm scared to see him laugh, to see his facial expression. When the silence is killing me, I risk a look.

He seems like he's thinking. Then he says something . "I understand. As you probably guessed, my real name isn't Four. None of my friends know, they try to grill it out of me but I don't want them to know. My real name's Tobias." I look at him. Wow, we really do get each other. "My dad gave me the name, so that's why I hate it. It hides part of my identity. So, same as you." He looks at me and smiles. I do too. "You know what? I was actually kind of scared of telling you. Everyone else just laughs." I say. My voice completely goes away on that last part. His face is serious. "They just don't understand." He says, and kisses my forehead. I nod.

Class starts and it's really boring. Afterward, when the bell rang, Christina comes up to me. "Oh my goodness! What happened!" I forgot that they don't know. I open my mouth to explain, but nothing comes out. Four saves me. "You know how Peter-" Christina cut him off. "Yes! Now what happened!"
"He broke her ribs and she got surgery for it yesterday." Her eyes get wide. "Why didn't you text me?!" I see that we are causing a scene and I blush and look down. She looks around and sees what I see. "Sorry." She says. I shrug.

We get to ELA and I painfully sit down, my ribs slam into the side of the desk and I feel tears running down my face. I sigh when I finally sit down and put my head in my hand. "You okay?" Four asks. I lie and nod. "You sure? Your in pain, I can tell." I bite my lip and take a shaky breath. I don't answer and he asks again. "Tris? Do you need me to get the teacher?" I shake my head no but he puts two fingers under my chin, forcing me to lift up my chin. He sees my tears. "Tris. Please don't try to act like your made of metal. You're in pain. Now, I'm gonna ask again, do you want me to get the teacher?" I shake my head no again and he wipes away my tears with his thumb. "Okay. Let me know if you want me too, okay?" I nod. Then, class begins.

The class went by in a blur, and before I know it, the bell is ringing for music. Well, looks like I can't sing today. Four and I go down the hall and when we get to class, I go up to Mrs. Tori. I open my mouth to say that I can't sing today, but nothing comes out. Her eyebrows go up like 'what?' I open my mouth again but nothing comes out. Luckily, Four comes up and puts a hand on my back. I jump a little because I have scars there and I'm not used to people touching my back except my mom, when she abuses me. "Um, Tris lost her voice and won't be able to sing today." Thank you Four! "Oh, well why didn't you just say so?" I raise my eyebrows. "Oh, right. Sorry. Yes that's fine. Today we're just doing performances for those who didn't yesterday. But I remember that you did, so you can just relax." I smile and Four helps me back to my seat. Class starts five minutes later.

Performances go by and then Four comes up. I feel a smile on my face. He talks to Tori. She told us to just call her Tori now, because the Mrs., made her feel old. Then she gets the class' attention. "Attention class! We have our next performer! Alright, the floor's yours." She says, then walks out of the way. "Okay. So I'll be singing Monster, by Skillet. The song starts and WOW! He's a great singer. *okay, now you can look at the video! Enjoy!*

I've always loved this song, but this is the first time I've really listened to it. I've always been afraid that I'd turn out like my mom. Not even Four knows that. I feel like this song really describes me well, and I start to get upset. So, I just focus on Four's voice, which is really good, instead of the song. At the end of it, everyone claps and Four comes to sit next to me. "Great job Four! Alright! Back to work!" I give him a smile as he sits down. I want to say great job, but can't, apparently I have a troubled look on my face because he says, "What?" While laughing. "Oh!" He says. He must be reading my mind because he goes and gets me a piece of paper. I smile and write, 'Great job!' On it. When he reads it he also smiles and kisses my cheek.

Soon the bell rings and we go back to ELA. I can't stop thinking of that song though. 'The secret side I keep, hid under lock and key, I feel the rage and I can't control it.' I take a deep breath and try to get it out of my head. It won't work. ELA goes by fast and soon the bell rings for lunch.

I walk in with Four and he helps me put my crutches up. "Don't you want to eat?" He asks me when I sit. I shake my head no. Eating only makes me even more ugly, if possible. He looks at me with concern, then goes and gets his food. They all get here and I get asked tons of questions. Let lunch begin.

*Hey! So let me know if you want other POVs. See, the problem with writing is this takes me about 2 hours to write, but you can read it in like 10 minutes. Anyone feel me? Alright well, vote and all that. And let me know if this is good or if I should end the story. IDK. PLEASE comment and tell me. Kk bye! Oh, 2,054 words! Yay! Bye!*

Forever and AlwaysOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz