Prologue: Self-Interest

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You sat in class, chewing on the tip of your pencil and twirling a strand of your hair.


One of the least interesting subjects for you. Somehow, your friends found it fascinating and super-interesting... But... It just didn't 'click' with you. Your future didn't contain the need for physics.

You wanted to be a teacher. Or something along those lines. You wanted to help people.

You watch the clock tick at un uncontrollably slow pace, begging the TimeLords of Gallifrey to somehow make time fly forwards. You sigh as you realise that isn't possible. They can't/don't/won't interfere with other planets history. Somehow, you manage to get through the unbelievably boring class and you stumble through the door.

Unfortunately, your height -or should I say lack of height- kept you at a disadvantage, as you couldn't make out where you were exactly headed. You squeezed through gaps, landing yourself in front of your locker. You rummage through your bag, and find your home-made lunch.

You turn back to the now relatively empty hallway and begin walking towards the lunch-room, before someone grabbing your wrist. Before you protest, you realise it's your best friend, [b/f/n] and smile. You already know where she's dragging you, and quite frankly, you've been avoiding it for the past... month? something like that. Oh well, it was time you let her show you the infamous 'Host Club'.

You scoffed at the thought of those 7 boys trying to woo girls. It was impractical, and in your opinion, a horrible idea. For many ideas.

You just couldn't see how meeting these boys would help your future, thus, they weren't important.



Sorry, I just really, really like Honey! HE'S SO CUTEEE!!! /)^_^(\

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