Chapter 19: "You Won't See Sunshine Again."

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A/N: Guys. Guys. Guys. Guys... Seriously?! Do you guys know what you're doing to my ego with all these reads?! You're actually making me believe I'm talented! Geez, 4.5 THOUSAND READS is something I never, ever expected!

And a little over 300 votes? Oh my gosh, I just love you all to death! You guys are amazing and deserve amazing stories in return.

Let's just say, the plot starts thickening now and feelings are caught on, and of course, the problem I brought up earlier will be back- and bigger than ever.

Honestly, I felt like I'm writing the Jaws: Revenge description with that last line: And this time, it's personal.

Okay, I'm sorry, anyway, thank you guys so, so, so much and you can't imagine how glad I am to have you guys here! I hope you enjoy!



With Halloween a week behind you, almost the entire school was buzzing about Christmas and in particular, the Host Club's Christmas Party. To be honest, you were also apart of the many whom were excited about Christmas, but none of you could hold a candle to the excitement of [B/F/N].

You stood at the front doors of the High School building like usual, waiting for [B/F/N] to come, and when you saw her, your jaw dropped along with the people nearby. She skipped toward the school with a reindeer antler headband with jingle bells sewn into it, a blink-y necklace with mini christmas lights and a really large christmas sweater that you were pretty sure was completely against the school regulations. Oh, and she had mini santa claus stickers stuck onto her heels.

"Did you know Christmas is in a month?" She asked excitedly as you two began walking/skipping into the building and toward our lockers.

"You don't say?" You roll your eyes discreetly with a smile- you were almost never bored with her.

For a while now, you both had been turning up to school earlier than usual so you'd get some time to hang out with the Host Club. [B/F/N] would often bring up ideas about why we were allowed to- out of the entire high school, only us.

The Host Club wouldn't let us stay with them like this without a reason, but what could it be?

You two made your way to the well-known Host Club, all the while gaining massive attention from those around you because of [B/F/N]'s... Loud approach to Christmas.

"[Y/N]-chan!!" When you entered the Music Room #3, Honey hugged you before you even had the chance to close the door. He spun you around with the momentum of the hug, and began pulling you toward a large table in the middle of the room where the rest of the host club sat, scattered fair distances away from each other.

You stumbled behind Honey, slightly dizzy from the suddenness of his greeting, but smiled all the while. It made you really happy that he was happy to see you- even though he may never had feelings for you like you toward him, this was enough to make you happy.

He sat you down next to him and gave you a slice of his apparent favourite cake, Strawberry, which you gladly accepted. Other hosts stared at you in wonderment, the reason why was un-known to you, but this cake was really too good to not focus on, and also, Honey was sitting right next to you. You were strangely, extremely alert of this fact and it made you feel a little self-conscious, making you slow down when you ate.

You looked up and saw Tamaki sitting in a corner and you wonder how you didn't notice that before.

"Tamaki, are you alright?" You lay down your fork and start to stand up, but Honey just grabs your arm. You look down at him and his grip loosens.

"Tama-chan's just upset that Haru-chan won't let him come to her house." He smiles, before continuing to eat his second slice of cake. You look back at Tamaki and slowly sit back down.

"The twins are too quiet." [B/F/N], who was standing next to them, spoke aloud while staring at them like she was interrogating them. They only leaned backward, swiftly glancing toward each other and toward someone at the table before focusing on [B/F/N].

"What are you talking about?" They grin like they enjoy being suspected upon, and if they actually did, it didn't surprise you. By now, your entire attention was directed toward the three, but you felt someone tug your dress sleeve, and you turned back to see Honey.

"Wanna hold Usa-chan?" He asked hurriedly, and you blushed before nodding. Usa-chan was really warm, probably because Honey had been holding him close to his body. The first time you held Usa-chan, you didn't feel this embarrassed, but your feelings for the boy-lomita boy beside you had grown, despite your (minimal, might I say) efforts to discourage them. So you held Usa-chan carefully, and you swore you could see the bunny blushing, but that had probably always been there so you brushed it away.

"I used to have a stuffed teddy like this." You mutter, head filled with nostalgic memories as you took in as much detail as you could- you had already done this, so you didn't gain much.

"Really?!" Honey asked you excitedly, and you looked toward him with a nostalgic smile.

"Yep." The bell rang right when Honey was about to ask you something, and you stood up, holding out Usa-chan for Honey to take. Honey took the bunny, but gave you a hug with it before giggling at your blushing face and skipping out the room with Takashi in tow.

[B/F/N] passed by you, and grabbed your hand as she did and rolled her eyes.

"Come on Lover Girl." Your blush deepened, and you looked toward the floor in an attempt to hide it.

Honey could make your heart beat faster than normal by just looking at you- any more, and your heart would probably break from the stress. But every time your heart reached its normal pace, you always wished you were back with Honey again.


"Hey, [Y/N]. Can you help m-- Oh my gosh, you got it BAD." [B/F/N] leaned over to your desk during Math, asking for help but stopped mid-sentence when she saw that you had been writing his name in the margins. You quickly grabbed your eraser and tried rubbing it out, but realised that you wrote it in pen.

"Shit." You muttered, and [B/F/N] only laughed. Tamaki walked toward you both curious.

"What are you guys doing?" [B/F/N] started laughing harder, and you started blushing. Tamaki looked onto your paper, and you tried to cover the margins with your hands.

"Shit." You said a little louder.

"A lady shouldn't use such fowl language- MUMMY!!" Kyoya walked over, and you slammed your head down onto the table to try and hid your red face. "[Y/N] swore!"

"Shit. Shit. Shit." You mumbled. You felt someone rip the paper out from under your head and you looked up. Kyoya was holding it and smirking. You nearly screamed when you grabbed it back. "If you dare say ANYTHING, you won't LIVE to see sunshine again." You hiss toward the three, and Kyoya and Tamaki stare at you in surprise. [B/F/N] just goes back to work.

"Okay..." Tamaki squeaks before slinking away, and Kyoya just follows, a little more composed.

You sigh as you sit down.


A/N: I feel evil for giving you a short chapter like this... I'm sorry, but I did this 'cause I know the next chapter will be pretty long, and I'm also planning something extra in this story- just need to find a way for it to fit :D

So, I hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you soon!

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