Chapter 14: "Your Mistake"

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A/N: Hey! Just a warning, there'll be a little gore and vomit talk here.

If you don't want any of that, just skip to the next ~ you see.



As soon as Haruhi fell, the four girls around you screamed, and without even realising it, you had too. Pure anger took over, and as you looked upward toward the stranger that was holding you. You wanted to punch something- and he was the nearest target.

Without a second thought, your fist was moving with a target. He had apparently not thought that this could've happened, and didn't even see your fist until it caused him to listen his grip. You weren't the strongest puncher- that was the first punch you had ever thrown. Even though you had said that you'd never hit someone no matter what they did, you just couldn't stop yourself.

the man you had been held by was also holding another girl by her hair but she managed to get away without to much pain. The area in which his hand had gripped you was already starting to bruise, and you shook your wrist like it hurt- because it did.

The man was already up- he'd recovered before you did and you hadn't even been on the receiving side of that punch. You couldn't run anywhere because:

1. You were on a cliff

2. Your heel was bandaged- which had become a large inconvenience since you had to walk a little slower- much less run.

His fist reached your shoulder with more force than necessary, and you fell backwards, hands scraped against the unrefined rock a little too harshly for your liking. Being on the ground now was only going to cause you more trouble- you needed to get back up.

Before you could start moving, the man's 'friend' moved toward you with speed, letting go [B/F/N]. Well, more like pushing her back.

[B/F/N] screamed as her balance leaned her backward, and you tried to move to her quickly, but someone's leg kicked your knee.

Her form fell over the edge, and you blinked- trying to convince yourself it wasn't true. Tears pricked your eyes, but you held them back.

These guys weren't very fair fighters- but they could sure pack a punch.

You ignored the fact that they weren't fighting fair- if they weren't playing by the rules, you weren't going to either. Anger filled up inside you when you saw her fall, and in an attempt to let that anger out, you lifted up your right foot and kicked the closest leg you could find. In the three spare seconds, you got up onto your feet.

And began throwing punches.

This was your first real fight- ever. And to say you had no idea what you were doing was a large understatement. A couple moments into the fight you were already regretting getting into this. Two seemingly experienced fighters against one slightly injured person with no skill.

But then you saw [B/F/N] and Haruhi falling inside your head over and over again, and your punches were flying all over the place. They usually wouldn't hit their target, and when they did, your knuckles throbbed in pain. That didn't stop you though.

For a few seconds, you were in control. You were experienced.

For a few seconds, your were winning.

Until you felt something hit you in the stomach, and by instinct you heeled over, eyes brimming with tears. The pain seemed to course through your body- but they didn't stop there. Apparently it wasn't just you who had built up anger.

Kicks hit your body like you were a boxing bag, and you were given no time to gain your strength.

Maybe this was it. Maybe you would die after a horribly unfair fight and you'd never get to see your parents again. You'd never get to see [B/F/N] again. You'd never get to see Nina and the school and you'd never get to feel a warm cup of tea in your hands. You'd never get to have your first kiss or get married or make your dream come true. You'd never get to see snow again and you'd never get to see home again.

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