Chapter 31: Sickness and Health

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~Honey's POV~

This was everything I needed. I didn't even bother ask Kyoya how or where he got the information- he probably wouldn't answer truthfully anyway, and also, this was it.

"Thank you, Kyoya!" He nodded, quickly typing something into his laptop before closing it and standing up.

"Also," He began, about to walk away but paused as if he had just remembered something. "If you're so worried about [Y/N], perhaps you should go visit her?" And with that, he left.


Mori, still lost in his own thoughts, seemed like he hardly minded going home by himself after I had told him I had somewhere to go before home. In fact, he didn't seem to hear me at all as he simply gave me a dazed nod.

So, I stood looking up at the familiar mansion that belonged to [Y/N] [L/N] with a wholly different feeling than the one I felt back then. Excitement had turned into nervousness, each emotion fleeting and sharp as I took further steps toward the building I had been inside of once before.

It looked so different, yet so similar.

It's tall, white walls entranced me as I neared the home she felt so dearly toward. I noticed that the bushes that trimmed the drive-way had been freshly cut and seemed to find some comfort in the idea that she had people to take care of her if she was sick.

And then the uneasiness came.

If she had them, why on Earth would she want me there?

We weren't much more than friends, so me taking care of her may just seem a lot weirder to her than to me.

Yet, I knocked anyway.

A loud shuffling came from the other side of the door, but before I could even get the chance to question it, the door had been thrown open to reveal a whole band of people, wide-eyed and wearing surprised smiles.

The girl in the front I recognised- Nina. Her eyes widened further in recognition as to whom I was.

"Ah- Mitsukuni Haninozuka! It is a pleasure to see you once more!" Her used-to-be casualness had merged into an uncomfortable formality as she bowed. The other members that I assumed were her other servants widened their eyes- they had probably heard of my family line before. The rest of them bowed in unison before ushering me inside, leaving me no chance to insist that they refer to me just as Honey.

"Who was it?" A warm, yet raspy voice (as if they had just gotten over a bad cold) called out from a room down the hallway I was facing- a room I hadn't checked when we played Hide-And-Seek. Nina moved forward to the room but didn't enter as she said something with a voice so soft I couldn't hear any part of it.

A rustling of papers followed before a man walked out of the room I began thinking was the study, reading glasses still perched on his nose. He caught sight of me and a momentary crease on his eyebrows caught me off guard as I realised who this man must be.

"Ah, so you are Mitsukuni, are you? Thank you for taking care of my daughter during the times I can't." My throat felt dry as half of the servants moved off to do their jobs and I was left to look up at the man who assumed I was his daughters friend. Yes, technically we were, but... He had no idea I liked her, did he? That seemed to make the air a whole lot more awkward than if I were just a friend.

There was also the added respect of the fact that he looked scarily similar to his daughter- the same cheekbones and ears. His eyes were almost identical to his daughters, yet with a bit more age and experience in them. They still had an oddly charming and heartwarming childish gleam to them, but tiny specks of unfamiliar colour brought a serious look to his gaze.

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