Chapter 6: Hide and Seek

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A/N: I forgot to write this in the last chapter:

Haruhi did not come over

Okay, I hope you enjoy this chapter! :D

Warning, a minor swear word is used here, later on. The word is: shit.
Just a warning.


"A game." You let the word fall off your tongue as you stare at the Host Club. They seem awfully eager to play this game of theirs.

Most of you didn't want to play this so called 'game'. Even though you hadn't been to the Host Club often, from what you've seen and heard about, their games were usually over-the-top.

But, you knew how your father's mind worked. It was all business with him- anything to get 'buddy-buddy' with the Ootori family for instance.

You sighed, at conflict with yourself.

"Okay. Let's play a game." You stood, waiting for the game to be announced.

"Hide and seek!" Tamaki jumped like a child. Really? Hide and seek? That wasn't over-the-top at all! In fact, you used to play hide and seek all of the time with your maids- before they weren't allowed to act like that anymore.

You found yourself smiling.

"Sure. Let's play hide and seek," For a moment, there was complete silence, until you broke it. "NOT IT!" You ran down the halls, hearing the other Hosts get further and further away from you.

You knew these halls well, and you also knew, that if you didn't know these halls as well as you did, it would be a challenge to find a place to hide. You ducked into a guest room, leaving the door open like it usually was, and squeezed yourself into a wardrobe.

You left it open just a crack, leaving a thin line of gold streaming over the length of your body and giving you some view-point into the guest room.

You slowed your breathing as you kept your eyes peeled. You had chosen somewhere relatively close to the beginning point, which wasn't exactly a good thing. The seeker could think everyone went far away, or really close- it depend on the seeker himself.

I wonder who is--

"Hello?" Your breathing hitched as you saw Honey peek into the room you currently were hiding in. He seemed to notice the small noise and fully entered the room.

His expression was a strange mixture between curious and thoughtful. You tried to move back into the wardrobe more, but you only succeeded in making a high-pitched noise. Honey's head whipped in your direction, surprise written all over his face until it melted into triumph. He noticed you in the crack only seconds after, and was opening the wardrobe door in a matter of moments.

"Found ya (Y/N)-chan!" He sang, pulling you out of the closest with a wide-brimmed smile. You tried to look away.

"Was I the first one?"


"Wha-?" Honey was pulling you along his path before you could continue talking. You fell in step next to him and looked down the hallway. You shouldn't have been found first- you knew this house like the back of your hand.

"You have a nice house, (Y/N)-chan!"

"Hm? Oh! Uh, thanks. My aunt is an interior designer, so she's redecorating all the time. I've gotten used to it, so I don't usually notice. I used to think a fairy was redecorating the house- and since each room would be different each time I went in them, I'd think this house was an infinite one." Without realising it, you had spoken about more than you had planned to.

"That's pretty cute~" You almost had a heart attack. You looked down and tried to hide your blush. "Is that why there was a framed drawing in the living room?" You could see him glance at you.

"You saw that?"

"Yeah!" He smiled, but this seemed more nostalgic than anything else. You tried to not look too much in awe.

~time skip because I don't know what to do next~

"Kao-chan! Hika-chan! Found you!" Hikaru and Kaoru had ended up winning the game, by hiding in a chest- honestly, you had no idea how they managed to both fit in a chest.

The rest of the Host Club was relatively easy to find, but you weren't really focussing on that.

You couldn't get what Honey had said out of your head.

"Well! We best be going!" The twins spoke in unison, and the rest of the club nodded.

"You came here just to play hide and seek?"

"Impractical, I know." Kyoya murmured behind you.

"Oh, not just that..." They winked at you at the same time before filing out of the house. You stared blankly after them as they left.

"Huh." You heard Nina behind you, staring at the closed door along with you.

"What?" She seemed to only just notice you, and she smiled like a child keeping a secret from you.

"Oh, nothing..." She sashayed away.

"I need to find new people to hang out with..." You sighed as you made your way back to the living room.


It was 10:45pm when you remembered the drawing. You sighed as you ripped yourself away from Doctor Who (yep, still watching it.) and wandered towards the place you hid it.

You opened the single thin drawer in the hallway and stood gaping down at its inside.

It was empty.

It shouldn't have been empty.

"NINA!!!!" You yelled, eyes still glued to the drawer, only ripping them away when you heard Nina running towards you.

"Yes? What is it?"

"Did you remove the drawing from this drawer?"

"Why was it in the drawer?"

"Never mind that! Did you?"

"No. None of us did. Why?"

Your eyes widened and you groaned and began walking in circles.

You hated that drawing- in fact, you had tried to get rid of it many, many times; but your mother just loved it. She would never allow it being removed.

She would always place it in a different place whenever she redecorated, and for a while, it was just missing. Until now.

Until today.

Could it be that the Host Club wanted that picture?

Nah. It was just a drawing. It was extremely crude, mainly just large messy scribbles and a large 'I LOVE YOU' in the corner. It made you cringe in embarrassment just thinking about it.

"Shit." You muttered under your breath. "Nina... Did you see anyone leave with that picture?"

She looked away for a moment. "No."


"I said no." She hesitated.

"You hesitated."

"N-No I didn't." You sighed and walked up to her.

"Who left with it?" She sighed in defeat.

"One of those 'Host' members."

"Thank you."

With that, you left for your room. Why would they want that drawing? It made no sense at all...

Well, nothing about the Host Club made sense, so that wasn't really the problem.

What exactly were they going to do with it?


A/N: The spacing got kind of extreme near the end, but then again;
I'm a rebelle.

No I'm not.

Anyway! I hope you enjoyed this!

See ya next time!

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