Chapter 10: Talking

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"I wanna go see Hikaru and Kaoru... Wanna come?" [B/F/N] had even stopped trying to 'sneakily' suggest seeing the hosts since she managed to figure out you had a crush on Honey.

Thinking about it made you blush.

"Uhm, I guess..."


You two began walking toward Music Room #3 and upon arriving, you felt a little happier than before. The room seemed definitely a lot more cheerful than usual, which made you smile a bit. Your eyes automatically went to Honey, whom, unfortunately, had guests. You and [B/F/N] made your ways toward Kyoya to make appointments. She made one for the twins who were also occupied, and you for Honey.

You two sat down at an empty couch and began talking.

Then, before long, you two could go sit with your chosen hosts. As you walked over toward Honey, you tried to calm your nerves. You felt out of your depth- especially for worrying about looking bad. Honey was a good guy- he wouldn't hate someone for messing up once, would he?

Wait- you hadn't even talked to him yet, idiot.

"Hello Honey!" You sat down, and smiled at the childish Honey in front of you.

"[Y/N]-chan~~ Want some cake?"

"Ah, yes please!"

"We got this new flavour- It's really good!" You were given a plate of what looked like a type of soft biscuit at the bottom with a thick layer of cream and a mix of honey and almonds layers on top. You nearly started drooling over it- it looked and smelled amazing.

"Thank you Honey!" You began eating.

"Oh, [Y/N]-chan, what is your class doing for Halloween this year?" Ah, you had slightly forgotten. It was October now, and Halloween was slowly coming closer and closer. Your class, like every other year, had chosen to have a tea party. You and [B/F/N] weren't going to attend, you two were just going to go home and watch some horror movies- which you ended up staying up night because of paranoia.

"Tea party... How 'bout yours?"

"We're watching movies!"

"Lucky." Honey looked like he was about to say something, and he looked pretty serious at that. Maybe he had found out something about your parents situation? Since Honey was friends with Kyoya, it wouldn't surprise you. A few selected students had already heard of it, and most of the teachers had too.

It wasn't doing a lot for your reputation. Though, truthfully, you didn't care about your families reputation at all- well, you kind of did. But you just wanted to see your mum and dad again- did they seriously had to have done this outside of the country?

You probably weren't going to see them for a couple of weeks- months at the least.

Thankfully, he seemed to back off of it.

You two then talked about Halloween candy and your favourite things about Halloween.

Honey smiled a lot.

It was pretty sweet.


After school, you were making your way to the front of the school like most of the others were, when Kaoru and Hikaru were suddenly pulling you away.

"What're you doing?" You tried to get free of their grips, only to have them tighten them. You tried to look behind you, where the twins were pulling you, but only managed to see a black car. The twins pushed you in, a little gentler than before and got in with you.

Bittersweet (Honey X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now