Chapter 1: You've Had Worse

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There were already a large amount of girls inside the music room. 21 to be exact.

And seven boys apart from those girls. They each seemed to be scattered from each other, surrounded by a few girls at a time and talking (charming) with them. You had heard about the Host Club, but this wasn't what you were expecting. To be honest, you had been expecting over-the-top extravaganzas and fireworks- or something like that.

But this was kinda nice. Calm. Enjoyable. Bearable at the least.

"You should totally talk to Honey! You'll love him!" Apparently you had no choice in the matter, as you were pushed towards the back of the room.

"Don't we need appointments or something?" You felt hesitant. You didn't want to be here. You had studying that needed to be--

"Nope~" She sang. "I already booked you in!"

"Of course you did." You muttered.

"Hi Honey!" She sat you down on the edge of a velvet couch, squishing herself next to you. A small boy- you assumed to be Honey himself turned towards you two from the other couch and smiled. Flowers bloomed around his head as he greeted you two.

He's kinda cute, in a childish way.

"I brought my friend, [Y/N]!"

Honey seems to really notice you then, and he smiles brightly like a five-year-old at you, clutching his bunny even closer and flowers blooming around his head.

"Nice to meet you [Y/N]!!"

Okay, he's really cute.

Like a five-year-old, he acted childish for the rest of the 'appointment', and you quickly found yourself enjoying his company. Perhaps it was the fact that you didn't have to act mature around him, it was hard to say, but either way, you had fun.

As you and your best friend walk out of the door, wiping cake crumbs rather crudely off of your cheeks, your friend leans into your shoulder.

"Sooo~?" She sings, asking you what you thought of Honey. She was obviously very confident in her estimate that I had had fun. She was right to do so.

"I had fun." You slightly reluctantly admit, but before you can continue, she starts cooing.

"AWWW! I KNEW IT! I NOW OFFICIALLY SHIP YOU TWO!!" She was yelling, and attracting a lot of attention. You try to calm her down, but she only starts rambling on and on about weddings and whimsical things of that sort, but that didn't stop you blushing.

"W-What?! We only just met!"

"Yea, but I've been thinking you two were perfect for each other, for, like, FOREVER!!!<3" She starts dancing down the hallway, bumping carelessly into people as she passes them.

You sigh.

It'll be over in a week.

You ignore the stares, and continue down the hallway, this time, alone. Their stares didn't harm you, they were only stares.

You have had much worse in your lifetime. You could handle a few hormone-induced, weird stares from some reckless teenagers.


WOOOOO! YES! Only about... 8 minutes after my Kaoru X Reader update!

I hope you guys liked this chapter, I had a lot of fun writing it!

And for your information, I did not write it in 8 minutes, I simply contued what I had started, and finished it in 8 minutes.

Any suggests are welcome, and feedback is greatly appreciated!

Thank you for reading, and have a spectacular day!! <3 :D

P.S I'm sorry it's so short! From now on, I hope to only upload chapters around the 1000 word mark. That will give me plenty of room to describe things the way I want to, and let the story roll naturally, instead of Chapter:1, fall in love, Chapter:2, become Bf/Gf, Chapter 3, Get Married, etc.

I don't like those kinds of stories.

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