Chapter 3: Similarities

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A/N: I'm sorry I haven't written in a while- especially on my KaoruXReader fan fiction. I'm just having a bit of writer block, and I have about 10 assessment tasks due soon D:

Anyway, I hope you're enjoying my fan fiction! Please leave me some feedback, it's very helpful and I appreciate it a lot. Thank you for reading, and enjoy!


You shifted underneath the warm covers to make sure your left arm was comfortable- which was hard, but when you finally got there, you stared at the ceiling.

Your room was shrouded in darkness, except from the thin slivers of silver moonlight that managed its way through your curtains. You sighed as you listened to the millions of thoughts running through your head, and you realised that it was unlikely that you'll be getting any sleep any time soon. You resisted the urge to roll over onto your stomach, but you knew that would hurt- you had learnt that the hard way.

Pedigree first, money second.

That was how Ouran worked. Considering your family, you certainly had pedigree- what with your mother being a famous pastry chef and your father being the CEO of a popular technology company. Both of them brought home money, enough to be considered a lot with Ouran's standards.

So why you couldn't fit in was confusing you. 

You had good grades, you were polite (most of the time), you never overstepped your authority and you hadn't taken anything from anyone- not that you know of at least...

You bolted upright, your elbow throbbed for a moment and your head felt dizzy for a moment due to your quick rise. 

What if you had done something wrong...

There may have been a chance that you unknowingly overstepped your authorities- you did do that sometimes... You brushed your hair back with your right hand as you lay back down, this time a little bit more cautious of your elbow. 

This was not good...

You tried to drift off to sleep, but now your incoherent thoughts had merged into new scenarios of overstepping your authority.



You looked up from your book in the library to see [B/F/N] running towards you, badly hidden worry etched across her face. You smiled sleepily at her, and as she neared you, her worry increased.

"How's your arm?"

You glanced down at it.

"It's fine."

"You look tired..."

"Couldn't sleep."

"Did it hurt?"

"No, just... Too many thoughts."

You looked back down at your book, trying to absorb yourself back into your books, but you just couldn't... It didn't make any sense.

Probably the medicine.

You both stayed still- you were trying to get into the books, and she was trying to not get in your way, when you stood up and pulled your books back into your bag.

"Where're you going?"

"Somewhere... Can't study." You both walked out of the Library, equally trying to ignore the confused glances (due to your bandaged left arm). Silence shrouded you two as you wandered aimlessly around the halls.

The truth is, over the past week, you haven't been able to stop thinking. Thinking about the most incoherent things like who thought to create the waffle, and who thought to count the stripes of a zebra. Useless and impractical things of that sort- and being the curious person you are, you couldn't rest until you knew the answer.

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