Chapter 29: (You Thought It Was Honey?!)

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"M-Mori?!" You stuttered, shocked at the fact that he just had to turn up at this exact place and this exact moment, and also, he was talking. You should be used to it by now, but it still managed to shock you every so often. Akihiro, eyes wide, moved away from you so quickly you wondered whether he had apparated or not. "I-It's not what you think!" Why you felt the need to clarify this, was beyond your comprehension as you stood up, dusting your skirt. Mori was staring at Akihiro, eyes in the strange abyss of cold and angry, before he turned to you, and all previous 'anger' disappeared.

"We've been looking for you." He said, voice cold like he was ignoring you, before he turned around and waited for you to step next to him and began walking forward. You gave Akihiro a small wave before following.

"Mori, I can explain--" Mori's steps were longer and larger than yours, making it much harder for you to keep up with him than you had originally anticipated.

"I don't need an explanation."

"But--" Mori stopped walking, turning to look down upon you.

"[Y/N]. I don't care about what you choose to do in your personal life, just do not hurt Mitsukuni." You didn't know what to say- nor what shocked you most: Mori's expression or the fact that he was actually (well, sort of) holding a proper conversation with you. Unfortunately, under the circumstances, you couldn't savour this fact much longer than a moment, especially after that fact that in that moment of silence, his gaze hardened to something scarily similar to a glare. "Come on." He said, once more, as he began walking toward the main building, you trailing behind by a few steps.

Truthfully, you felt guilty. Even though you hadn't done anything wrong, somehow Mori (or, to be more specific, his words) had managed to make you feel needlessly guilty.

And anyway, it wasn't like you were actually hurting anyone. Mori said he didn't want you hurting Honey, but you weren't- it wasn't like you two were dating. Nor did he like you in anyway more than a friend.

That was fact.

But even then... Why do I feel so guilty?

There was no point to this guilt- yet it ate at your stomach 'til you felt sick. Sick with yourself. Why did you let that thing slip with Akihiro? Why didn't you just push him away when he got too close? Why didn't you just never go to the soccer field in the first place?

It was stupid- this guilt. And you knew it.

But, then again, so was your crush on Honey.

Yet that didn't stop you.


"[Y/N]!!!" Warmth wrapped around your body before you could even get the chance to look up, as Honey called out your name in an excited greeting. You looked at Honey, whom was hugging you fiercely (yet gently, so you could breath without it hurting) and beaming toward you. You smiled warmly at the sight of his happy face, your heart pounding in your chest at the proximity, and hoped that he could not feel or hear it. You felt twinges of guilt pierce your heart at the sight of such an innocently happy boy, but tried to push that away. Mori watched you both, his expression unchanging from the one he had before, before turning back toward the direction you knew to lead toward the Host Club and began walking.

Honey pulled away smoothly, like none of what he just did bothered him in the slightest, which made you wonder momentarily (as if you didn't already do it enough) about what his feelings were for you. You tried to push it away as you walked beside him and he turned to you, smiling, apparently about to ask you a question.
"So, [Y/N]! What were you doing just now?" Mori looked over his shoulder discreetly, awaiting your answer. Again, the guilt.

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