Chapter 22: Adorable

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~Honey's POV~

[Y/N] has always been cute- adorable, even.

She sat with those three boys who came yesterday. She laughed, and I could almost hear it over all of the 'natural' noises created by the flora and fauna. In cosplay, she looked different- she looked beautiful.

That isn't a bad thing, not at all.

Well, it kind of was...

They couldn't stop staring at her, and I couldn't quite understand why it annoyed me so much...

Well, I had an idea...

~ *Begin the music (if you want to)* ~

"Hi..." You all spoke in unison, and all with varying degrees of shyness threaded through our tones. I smiled toward them all, feeling an unnatural sense of nervousness- they were staring, and it made you feel awkward. You all sat down, in sync, before you spoke again. "Would you like some tea?" They shook their heads.

You laughed, the product of awkward silence and they only blinked. "You guys are adorable~" It was the first adjective that came to mind, and it seemed to work pleasantly, because they started blushing. It wasn't exactly a lie either, when they looked shy, they did look like lost little children- not like you'd actually say that out loud though.

You heard Tamaki and a few of the other hosts talking about a party, and your heart skipped a beat. Wait, wasn't that the Christmas Ball coming up? Does this mean you'd have to dance with any guests who wanted to dance with you, or did you not have to? All these questions started popping into your head at the same time.

~Random Time Skip Because I Can Not Write About Hosting Without Making It Seem Awkward, Anyway, Time Skip~

The sun was starting to set, yet as a host, you were required to stay. You sat at the table, fiddling with the fabric of your dress when Honey jumped into the seat next to you, making you jump. You start to smile without even realising it.

"Hi Honey!" He beams, and flowers start to bloom before he even spoke.

"Want some cake [Y/N]-chan?" He holds out a plate of cake and you take it carefully.

"Thank you!" You both eat your cake respectively. You were savouring the taste when the other hosts started talking about the Host shopping Disease and how Tamaki was upset that a girl named Konako decided Haruhi was her new host. (I won't re-write that entire scene, so just imagine that is going on right about now, 'Kay?)

"I'm not really interested in attending events, so if I could please be excused?" Haruhi spoke, a little nervous at the answer she'd receive.

And then came the over-dramatic excuse, courtesy of Tamaki, as to why Haruhi had to attend. During that, you sort of just accepted that you'd have to attend as a host.

"Can you dance [Y/N]-chan?" Honey cocked his head slightly with the question, flowers still everywhere. He had a fork in his mouth and looked absolutely adorable. Speechless, you only smiled and nodded. He seemed to lose a little spirit with that, which made you a little confused, but you just brushed it off.

Then, your phone rang. You fumbled for your phone, which was deep inside your pocket. When you found it, you didn't bother checking caller I.D, and just accepted the call.


"Darling!" Your mothers voice rang into the phone and into your ear. You let out a small breath.


"Come home quick, darling! I have a present for you~~" She sang, and hung up before you could speak any more. You moved the phone away from your ear, slightly fazed. You stared at your phone blankly for a moment.

You hadn't talked to your mom in ages, and now she suddenly is home?

"[Y/N]-chan?" Honey's voice rings out and breaks your trance. You blink and stand up.

"Sorry- gotta Zayn!" (JK XD) "Sorry- gotta go!"

Honey watches you leave, a small hint of concern and sadness playing with his features.

~at home~

"Good evening Mistress!" Nina lets you in, but runs off before you can talk to her more.

"[Y/N]~~~!" [B/F/N] glomps you, and you smile.


"We have the best present for you~!" She pulls you toward your room. Inside, your mom stands there in front of your closet.

"Mum?" You cock your head to the side a little confused, resisting the urge to glomp her.

"Hello darling. Now... Are you ready? Ta-dah!!" She flings the closet door open, revealing a puffy (but not really) pink dress, with little pink flowers on it. (It's the dress up above :D if you don't like it, just replace it with something else) Your jaw drops. You weren't really into dresses, but this really was something.


"Yeah, we spent ages choosing it!" [B/F/N] leans against the closet door frame, and your mum nods with her.

~flash back~

"So, what kind of dress should we get her?" (Mum's name) asks [B/F/N].

"Well, don't tell her I said this, but her crush is going to the ball too, and he loves pink, cute things."

"But I thought it was just the Host Club that were boys-- ohhhhh..."


"How about this one?"

"That is perfect!" /)^_^(\

~end of flashback~

"Try it on!" Your mum pushes the dress into your arms, and you move into the bathroom to try it on. After you did, you found it to be surprisingly comfortable. You felt a little odd wearing something like this without shoes though... You stepped out, and your mum almost starts to ear up, your best friend just stands there, arms crossed and nodding like she was the fashion designer and she saw her design in a boutique.

"You look amazing..." They both say at the same time, and for the first time, you actually start to look forward to the ball thingy.


A/N: sorry for the short chapter... Anyway, how are you guys doing? Good? I hope so =^_^=! My holiday has started, so I literally have nothing to do... I'm going camping this weekend- yay! (I actually quite like camping, insane, I know)

OH! I was wondering if I could get your opinions on something: I plan to write a X Reader for every host, but that will take quite a while (especially because I plan for sequels for some of them (; ) so, I was wondering... What do you guys think if I write a Boyfriend Scenarios kind of thing?

I hope you guys have a great day! I'll see you next time! Next chapter should be a long one, and I can't wait for it :)


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