Chapter 25: "I Want His Soul"

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A/N: I've said this many times before, but I just want to thank every one of you for reading my story, even if you aren't voting or commenting it still means a lot. To those who vote and comment, I just wanted to say I appreciate it a lot- the support I get from everyone is so astounding!

My first three chapters now have 1K reads, and I nearly choked when I saw that- thank you all so much, you don't know how happy it made me to see that!

Just an extra note: Me and Jayjay1112 are doing this collaboration story thing, where we both come up with ideas and plot, and she's writing it. Please check it out- it's called 'Monochrome Kisses', and it's an Alois X Claude X Sebastian X Ciel X Reader story (with different endings and such). And while you're over there, go read some of her other stories! She has this (ADORABLE) Honey X Reader fan fiction that is awesome, and another story with One-Shots that are so adorable I squeal whenever I read them. Maybe I revealed to much... Oh, well... There's also another story involving creepy pasta Laughing Jack (I'm not really that into creepy pasta's, so I don't know who he is). All of her stories should be checked out, so please go and check her out!

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR THE STORY: I kind of changed the story a little... Reiko is now a new student, 'kay? If you don't recognise the name, you probably haven't read the manga, which is really good by the way.


You stood next to Kyoya, smiling wide at the dancing couple in the abnormally large-sized courtyard, thankful that everything had turned out fine. Honestly, you had thought something would've gone wrong, but surprisingly, it all went on without a hitch.

[B/F/N] was suddenly next to you, breathing heavily. "[B/F/N]? Are you okay?" She grinned.

"Never been better -Hey Kyoya-, so [Y/N], I have some people to introduce you to~!" She sang as she pulled you off to the back of the crowd, where three girls stood.

"Hey- you're the girl who was standing with the boys before I came!" You recognised the girl with blonde hair from before, and she grins appreciatively.

"[Y/N], these are the biggest fans of you and Honey~! This is Holly," Red streams across your face as she introduces your 'fan club'. Holly, a petit girl with shimmery brown hair waves cheerfully, and you can't help but think she'd make a pretty good pair with Honey. "This is Brittany," A girl with black hair and violently green eyes winks and gives you a small salut. You give her a slightly shaky smile after you get over your burning blush. "And this is Jessica, the girl who you saw earlier!" Jessica grins, and you shiver at the uncanny resemblance between Hikaru's one. "And there are 10 other members, but they have smaller jobs, and couldn't make it." Your eyes widen at [B/F/N] nonchalant description of your 'fan club'.

"10 OTHER MEMBERS?! What?" They all smile, but don't give you any more information. Holly starts squealing, and you look at her confused.

"You were so cute when you were dancing with Honey~~~!" You blush once more, but don't look away, instead you just looked at them all shocked. Brittany, Jessica and [B/F/N] all started nodding.

"Yes, our plan went pretty well..." Brittany smirks, and you frown ever so slightly.

"What plan...?"


"What?" You say meekly, before someone has you by the arm and is pulling you back to the front. You look at Kyoya with a slightly weak glare. "I-I never signed up for this?!" He sighs and rolls his eyes.

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