Chapter 16: Doki-Doki

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You probably weren't allowed to go to a theme park in your condition, but, well, it was so... Boring in there. Out here, there was a constant supply of fresh air instead of stuffy, and out here, you weren't constricted.

And the twins had invited you out- where to? The theme park (obviously).

The air was cold out here and very windy. Children and adults were laughing and chatting around you, walking with cotton candy on sticks in their hands and ice-creams dripping onto the ground. This atmosphere made you smile as you followed the trio who were leading you to a large function room for some reason.

When you entered, the first thing you felt was cold- it was freezing in here. The air-conditioner must've been working full-blast, because you started shivering immediately. The second thing you noticed was that there were girls- loads of them, and they were wearing the school uniform.

Then you saw the Host Club.

The Hosts were apparently working outside of school today? The usual homey atmosphere that the Host Club always had following them had seemed to lose it's shine- girls and hosts were simply conversing, but without their usual dramatic air. Tamaki's clients seemed to be the ones trying to coax conversation out of him for a change- something was definitely up.

Before you could step in much further, you felt someone glomp you.

"[Y/N]-chan~!" Honey yelled. His arms wrapped around you made your bruises hurt and cuts sting, but he was warmer than you remembered and you couldn't help but want to hug him back. You blushed at his smile and the levitating flowers around his head- it was all directed at you. "I missed you so much!" By now, the entire room had turned to look at you, but unlike usually, girls weren't scowling or frowning, they were just staring. Staring in either disbelief or sadness- hard to tell.

"I-I missed you too Honey..." You smiled toward him a little awkwardly, but he seemed to smiled even wider, before pulling away.

"How are you, my darling daughter?" Tamaki spun you around, also ignoring your injuries. Daughter? He seemed so absolutely happy that you didn't have the heart to pull away- so you just let him spin you around before standing on your own feet, a little less balanced.

"How are your injuries?" Kyoya actually looked up from his black book and closed it, a first for you. You smiled gratefully toward Kyoya and Tamaki for their worrying.

"Their fine- and their healing."

"Although what Tamaki and Honey just did probably didn't help..." Haruhi sighed toward the two boys, who both seemed to look toward you with extreme worry and guilt- kind of making you feel worried for them.

"Ah, no, it's alright!" You brought your hands up to try and tell them it was alright, but your answer came out a little shaky.

"Wanna have some cake [Y/N]-chan? I'll even let you hold Usa-chan!" Honey held Usa-chan out toward you and after a moment, you took the bunny carefully, smiling like a child at Christmas. Honey began skipping toward his table and you followed with a slight limp you hoped no one noticed.

Honey, like a true gentleman, pulled out your chair for you before sitting down- it was like you two were on a date. With 50 other people around. Honey gave you cake after cake after cake, but you ate them all happily- cake never tasted bad.

Honey looked at you different now. His eyes seemed to say something that you couldn't decipher, and his entire aura seemed to read you something so loud- but you couldn't hear it.


Thank god she's okay. I-I don't know what I would've done if she wasn't.

I... I should've been there for her.

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