Chapter 20: The Devil's Laugh

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A/N: I got the chapter title from Ouran High School Host Club: The Movie (watch it :D). Haruhi said it :D

Also, my publishing time may get a little hectic for a while (not that I actually have a routine) because I have some important stuff coming up soon. (A film study, which I'll be doing OHSHC: The Movie. The fangirlism is extreme (: )


A couple weeks ago, Honey had told you that you were allowed to hang out with the Host Club, charge free. You had taken him up on that offer, mainly because you just wanted to spend more time with him- which you did. Unfortunately, you didn't think it'd have consequences.

Apparently, Kyoya didn't agree with the fact that you were spending time with them without paying.

As soon as you entered the Music Room, you saw girls on either side of the room, but none in the middle. They were all staring toward the middle at a sight that even had you intrigued and surprised.

Three boys.

The Host Club popped out of nowhere and were now standing either side of you, every host except Honey and Mori. Mori was probably at Kendo club, and Honey was probably with him.

"I see you're finally here [Y/N]. You're late." Kyoya made a note of something in his book before pushing his glasses up his nose and looking at you. Haruhi and Tamaki didn't seem to know what was going on, but Hikaru and Kaoru sure did. Maybe they had been planning something...

"Late for what?" You eyes moved from the three boys in the centre of the room, and you looked at the mischievous trio in front of you.

"Hosting!" Kaoru and Hikaru, in sync, spoke happily. You blinked numerous times as you processed the information that had been given to you and the more you processed, the more your stomach sank.

"What?" You said feebly, hoping that this was just some kind of joke.

"You're a host now!" They repeated, only making the fact sink in. You looked at Tamaki and Haruhi.

Tamaki started smiling before sweeping you into a big hug, bringing your feet off of the ground and making you spin. "My daughter has finally become a host!" He yelled, and the blood drained from your face. Huruhi's jaw dropped.

"I am so sorry." She spoke sincerely, with genuine pity etched across her face, and in any other situation, you probably would've laughed, but now your throat was starting to feel dry.

"Well, you're late, and they're waiting for you." Kyoya spoke, and left with the other host in tow. You gulped and moved toward the three boys.

Might as well get this over with.

The one on the left you knew was from your Maths class. He was incredibly smart, and he wore dark blue framed glasses with a few freckles on his nose, but it only made him look cuter; it suited him. He had broad shoulders and instead of wearing a blazer like most of the other boys at the school, he was one of the few students who wore the school jumper all year round, which was in no way a violation of the school rules. He had a watch on his right hand, which he was glancing at often.

The one in the middle was a little fuzzier to your memory, but you were pretty sure he was apart of the soccer team and was a year lower than you. His frame was slightly slimmer than others, and he was skinner than others too. He hardly looked like one for soccer, but according to rumours, he was a star player. He had rosy cheeks, but you knew that was because of his training.

The boy on the right was apart of the Black Magic Club, plainly put. He wore an all black robe, but even then, you could see his complexion. To describe him would take pages, but... He had a complexion most girls would die for in a guy. His eyes were a pale shade of purple and he had dark eyelashes that matched his dark hair. His lips were smirking slightly, but it didn't make you feel uncomfortable- in fact, even though he was apart of the Black Magic Club, he didn't make you feel nervous at all.

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