Chapter 37: Filler

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I don't feel dead anymore.


You find it incredibly hard not to push your siblings off you as Honey stares at them both, looking for some explanation as to how he hadn't ever heard of them before.

You didn't really talk about them much- after all, their entrance sort of gave you enough reason not to introduce them to friends often.

"Uhm--" Honey begins, but your brother interrupts.

"You're probably thinking about the age difference, right? It's five years~~~~" She sing, moving to your brother, thankfully giving you actual space to breath. "And this is my identical brother~!"

He winks and you cringe.

"Uh--" Honey, once again.

"This is my sister Charlotte, but you can call her Dotty- everyone does. He's Alfred, but everyone is just calls him Freddie or Alfie. You choose." You fake enthusiasm as you introduce the pair- your brother notices and frowns lightly where your sister does not.

"Well, anyway, we're here to pick up our darling little sister--" Cue the pinching of both cheeks. "For a shopping trip."

"Uh, but I don't have--"

"Oh, don't worry about that! We already got permission." Your brother laughs lightly.

Your sister pinches your cheek again. "Unfortunately, we didn't realise you had a boyfriend- otherwise we'd have invited him along too." Your sister looks at Honey apologetically and he blushes so brightly he drops Usa-chan.

"I, uh, well you see, uh, um, [Y/N]-- your sister and I are, um, uh..."

"Not dating!" You finish, unable to look him in the eye. Honey seems in the same position as he picks his bunny rabbit back up from the floor.

Your brother and sister look at each other, raising a dubious eyebrow.

"Right." Your brother says, laughing like he didn't believe a word of what you both just said.

"I see the way you look at each other. If you aren't dating, you will be." Your sister says and as your gaze flickers to see Honey's reaction, your heart stops as you see he was doing the exact same thing. He sends you a hesitant smile and you swear you have to physically hold yourself back from squeezing the life out of him.

You're about to say something to him- you don't know what, when your sister begins walking you out of the room.

"Don't worry, your girl will be back before you know it." She winks to Honey.

Honey just sends you a shaky smile, Usa-chan blushing like there's no tomorrow.


"So." Your sister, cup of take-away coffee in hand, sits down next to you on a park bench out side of the mall you all had just finished shopping in. "Spill." She takes a sip.

"What?" Exhausted from having to spend two hours shopping with your two forever enthusiastic siblings, you couldn't quite understand what she was insinuating. She nudges you gently with her elbow.

"You and that blonde cutie."

"Oh." You can't help but smile at the mention of him. "His name is Mitsukuni, but he prefers Honey."

"And is he as sweet as his nickname suggests?" She smirks. Caught up in a reverie of the blushing, smiling expression you saw him wear earlier, you don't notice.

"Sweeter~" You sigh. She raises both eyebrows in surprise and you realise how embarrassing what you had just said was.

"Okay, darling- when's the wedding date?" She jokes. You laugh awkwardly.

"Never, actually... Dad... He wants to marry me to someone else." She pauses mid-sip of her coffee and lowers the cup to rest on her knee. The distant laughter of playing children reaches your ears for a moment before she speaks.

"Not yet, right?"

"No... but he's looking, and you know how dad gets."

A thoughtful silence falls over her as she changes her posture to one that you knew meant she was genuinely trying to figure something out.

Being the younger sister to a human rights lawyer had its benefits.

"Well, just get your darling Honey to present himself as your betrothed."

"Wh-what?!" You nearly fall out of your seat as red streams across your face. "I can't!"

"Why not?"

"We! Are! Just! Friends!" You sound almost like a robot. She sighs slightly.

"If you're waiting for something to happen, it won't. Talk to him. Let him understand. At the very least, understand that this isn't the eighteenth century- girls can ask guys out too, you know."

"I-I know, but..."

"You're scared? Hesitant? Believe me, I get it. What do you think guys are in this situation?"

You open your mouth but say nothing.

"In the end, one of two things can happen- you end up together or your rejected. Yeah, it's scary- but it's simple. And, get this right, it's not the end of the world."

"But still--"

"Listen. I saw the way he looked at you- trust me on this, okay?" You blush and try to keep the growing happiness from consuming your body.

"Fine, but I am not asking him to be my betrothed."

She smiles, clinking her cup of coffee to yours.

"To reckless behaviour." You say shakily.

"To reckless behaviour because of l•o•v•e~"


"[Y/N]! You're back!" Honey grins, standing up from his cake. (Holy shit guys he's serious about you)

"Y-Yeah!" Having missed the last two periods of class, school had finished, meaning it was the busiest time for the hosts. Kyoya looks at you both upset you hadn't arrived earlier (he had lost four costumers due to you not being here) and happy that you were back. Though that happiness quickly evaporated.

You wanted to talk to Honey now but knew that wasn't a good idea due to Kyoya's evident rush to get you back to work and also because Honey's fan girls were staring at you blankly.

It was oddly terrifying to see them stare at you like that.

So you gave Honey a shaky smile before sitting down at your own table alone for the time being.

You brought out your phone as you waited for costumers (it was also a distraction from looking at Honey because that was a terrible idea with no good outcomes).

You got there?

Yes. Now go work.

Do you even know me?

You play too much Mystic Messenger

How'd you know what I was doing???


You left your sister to her own devices as you noticed a new customer walking up to you. Mentally sighing, you smile brightly.

Hopefully this would be over soon.


Sorry for the incredibly long wait- tonnes and tonnes of shit but I don't feel dead anymore so yay.

Sorry about this filler chapter.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2017 ⏰

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