Chapter 2: Bothersome

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A/N: I'll be honest with you, I changed this chapter title about 6 times. For a while, it was going to be 'Sugar and Spice, and Everything Nice', but that eventually led to another chapter idea (Spoiler: It'll be fluffy ^_^) and thus made me have to choose something else.

I settled for Bothersome. They're very conflicting, aren't they? >:)

Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

OH! I nearly forgot. In the description of this story, at the end, you may have noticed it said 'Where nothing else mattered", well, some people may have misinterpreted that as nothing else but you mattered. Well, that isn't the case (sorry!), it was supposed to mean, that the Host Club was the only thing that mattered... Awkward turtle...?


A couple of days had past, and your studies were going well. You had kept your grades at their normal states, which was the average of about %98 and chatted each lunch time with your best friend.

To sum it up, everything was going along fine.

Until recess this morning.

You walked out into the courtyard with [b/f/n] in tow, who was talking about her latest adventure. Then she stopped, very abruptly and stared at you evilly.

"[Y/N]..." You started feeling a little nervous.


"You haven't seen Honey since Tuesday!" She smiled slightly as her eyes glinted. Your eyes widened and you stepped back.

"Well, I have studies a-and..."

"Oh come on! Those can wait!"

She started walking towards you, and in response, you flipped around and started quickly walking away.






You two burst into a full out sprint in a game of cat and mouse. Yeah, people stared- what did you expect? You must've looked terrified, because a few people gave you worried glances.

Then you felt something tackle you to the ground. In a blind panic, you pushed your arms outward and as they connected with the ground a piercing pain throbbed in your left elbow as the weight of [b/f/n] added to your own. Everything went blurry, and you could feel yourself being pulled upward and being directed toward a small cramped office and onto a pasty white bed.

Then you fell asleep, the pain numbing out into an empty space of nothingness.

~ A couple hours later, but it's somehow after school ~

With a small jolt, you woke up to a near-blinding amount of white. You clamped your eyes shut in an attempt to save yourself, but the silhouettes of white objects were painted onto the backs of your eyelids.

"[Y/N]!! OH GOD I AM SO SORRY!" You heard [b/f/n] wail. You slowly cracked your eyes open, to see her sitting next to you in a white chair, red eyes and all. You looked down at your arm, to see it wrapped up in bandage.

"W-what happened?"

A nurse dawned in white walked past some curtains, and entered 'your domain' with a clearly forced smile.

"Nothing too bad, just a sprain in your elbow. It should be fine in a few weeks or so. We've bandaged you up an everything, so you're free to go home, but we request that you bring these spares home- and this, for your parents." She handed you a small bag of bandages and a pamphlet about sprains and how to care for them.

"Thank you." You and [b/f/n] leave side-by-side. The hallways were empty- except for the rare student on their way to club activities or study groups. You could sense something was wrong with [b/f/n], and you could feel the guilt she was feeling. You weren't really angry at her, it was just going to be hella annoying trying to keep my grades up.

Nevertheless she felt guilty, and that made you feel sad, so you tried to think of something to show her you were fine and weren't angry at her. It was harder than expected. You had never had to think of something so trivial and important (that could effect a relationship) and long, awkward minutes of silence were past until you figured it out.

"Hey, uh, do you want to go check out the Host Club?" You cringed slightly as the words left your mouth, but kept to a smile to at least pretend that you meant it. Her head swivelled to you quick enough to make her long whip you in the face. (You can also have long hair, don't worry :))She looked relieved- and that was enough.

You'd go through a Host Club visit if it made your friend happy, and so it was.

[B/f/n] hooked her arm around your right, and you two headed for the Host Club, each step getting closer and closer to the inevitable.

She opened the door, and there seemed to be less girls than before... Around 10. Most of which, were with Tamaki.

The other Hosts were alone- except the twins. You'd think that at least Honey would get more customers... It didn't make a lot of sense as to why the cutest (he is adorable) boy in here didn't get shy customers. Anyway- that didn't matter.

You two walked towards Kyoya, and he booked you two in for right now.

"Hello Honey-senpaii!" She giggled slightly, smiled and waved. She was always the prettier of you two. You just waved and sat down across from Honey.

He looked at you two happily- like he wanted to get out of the conversation he had been currently caught in the middle of.

"How is you day going?" You politely ask as Haruhi- you didn't completely blank out [b/f/n]'s explanations of the club- brought you some tea and cake.

You liked cake. Enough to go to the extreme of saying you lived for it. Perhaps it was a bit overboard, but, who doesn't like cake?!

You savoured the sweet flavour of the cake, smiling happily at the taste of it overcoming the stale after-taste of medicine. You found the bandages around your left arm slightly awkward, and didn't know what to do with it.

"What happened to your arm!" Honey exclaimed, eyes placed worried on your arm. You hear [b/f/n] shuffle awkwardly before looking down guiltily at her cake. "Did you get into a fight?" You nearly burst out laughing at his accusation. You would never harm anyone- no matter what they had down, but it was kind of cute how he thought that I would get into a fight. Before you caught yourself, you found the words flying out of your mouth.

"Yeah, well, you should've seen the other guy." Sarcasm dripped from your sentences, and Honey seemed to cock his head in confusion, and [b/f/n] seemed slightly surprised- but mostly confused.

You laughed.

And couldn't stop.

You didn't really understand why you found this so funny- it wasn't even a joke in the first place! But no matter what, you just could stop laughing. Now a lot of other students noticed you. In-between laughs, you manage to speak.

"Probably the medicine getting to my head!" That was the most logical explanation, as you could feel the slight dizziness and tiredness that the medicine gave you. You friend sighed, but gasped too, as if she understood. Then she began explaining the situation to Honey, who nodded in understanding.

You claimed yourself down- and only then did you notice yourself blushing.

This was a first- you had never really blushed before out of embarrassment... You usually didn't care- I mean, in a couple of years, you'll be out of this school, and you may never see anyone again.

So why were you blushing?

This fact bothered you.

You looked down at your cake, and took a bite- but its sweet taste now had merged into a horrible sandy texture. You felt the stares from all around you.

You didn't belong here- and maybe it took you a bit too long to notice that.

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