Chapter 12: Arrival (of the slightly short chapter)

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A/N: Some of the story will be different form the manga and anime, particularly here. Of course, the same plot will happen, just a little less of some things and a little more of the other. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy!


You sat confused on the bus next to an equally confused [B/F/N], surrounded by noisy and excited girls who seemed to only get louder as the drive grew longer and longer. You both hadn't really been given an exact explanation of where you were going, what you were doing here, why you had to come along to... The beach it seemed? A lot of the other girls were talking about their bathing suits- which ones were cuter and stuff like that.

Apparently, one of your servants had packed your bags for you, which were currently underneath the bus. If you were going to go to the beach, which was pretty unlikely since you aren't a big fan of the blaring sun on your back- you were an easy target for sunburns; but if you were to go swimming, you'd stick out like a sore thumb. Mainly because your bathing suit is a plain navy blue one that you've had for a while- you got it back when you were a part of the swimming team.
And according to the other girl's choices, yours was going to be kind of... Well... Boring would have to suffice for now.

"You know, [B/F/N], I'm kind of surprised you hadn't heard of this until now- I thought you were one of the biggest fans of this club." You spoke, which seemed to break her trance. She looked to you for a moment.

"Well, I knew about it, but since my parents were against it, I decided I'd try and forget about it. I was crying when I came to the decision."


"On the inside."


"No." You sighed and smiled as you looked out the window. As long as you were allowed to go, you weren't going to complain. A day or two off of school? Great! "Well, as long as I'm here, I might as well enjoy it! We'll have so much fun [Y/N]!" She started bouncing in her seat and shaking your shoulder lightly, which earned her a small sigh and a small smile. "You might be able to make a sandcastle with your favourite Host~" She whisper sang into your ears and you nearly had a heart attack out of fright. You knew how 'devoted' these Honey fans were- you got a hands-on experience a couple months ago.

"Oh please..." You pushed her away blushing, but she only laughed. "Are you going to be teasing me like that the entire trip?" You looked at her almost frightened and she only smiled (more smirk than smile...).

"Yep." You sighed and leaned backward for a moment, before you remembered something- you didn't really know her 'Host'. She sort of floated around.

"Hey, [B/F/N], who's your Host?" In reply to this question, she blushed deeply.

"Oh, uh, I don't really have a Host?"

"Really?" You raised an eyebrow. You found that hard to believe. "You like someone who isn't apart of the Host Club?" You looked at her, slightly shocked. Partly because she didn't like someone who was apart of the Host Club- this was pretty odd since she was one of the biggest fans of said club.

You sat there staring at [B/F/N] who seemed to be smiling in a way that gave nothing away. You couldn't tell whether this all meant she liked a host or not- but before you got the chance to say anything, the bus stopped. As soon as the door opened, the only people left on the bus were you, [B/F/N] and the bus driver. You both stepped off, a little fazed at how enthusiastic these fans were.

As soon as you got out, you saw large, grand building. From your view, it was incredible. You had travelled with your father on his business trips a couple of times, so you've seen very 'fancy' and 'professional' hotels before, but this was like something else. It looked a little aged, it's should-be white paint was now cream and it's entire building was unusually familiar.

It felt like you've been here before.

You stared up at it, trying to remember where you knew this place from, and completely forgot that Kyoya was talking about rooms. You still hadn't 'come back to reality' until [B/F/N] tugged your arm lightly.

"Isn't it kinda weird?" She whispered so no one else could hear.

"Huh?" You blinked before replying, not quite understanding what she was talking about.

"Weren't you listening?" She rolled her eyes and sighed a little before walking over to a pile of bags and grabbing both of yours which fortunately had been on the top of the pile. She passed you yours.

"We get to share a room." She was still whispering.

"Why's that so weird?"

"It's usually four to a room." You two began walking to Kyoya, who handed you the room key. 206.

"Maybe the numbers weren't even?"

"Yeah..." [B/F/N] trailed off a little hesitantly, as if she didn't really believe your reason and she thought you may not understand her own. It made you feel a little awkward, walking through the hotel in silence, but you made no move to change it. "Listen, we both didn't reserve a place for this trip, right?" You nodded. Room 200. "So than why are we here?"

"Found it!" You opened the door and walked in.

I don't know. I really don't know why we're here.


A/N: I feel really bad for making this so short- but the reason for that is, because for the next few days I may (it might not happen) have to stop writing for a bit. There was going to be a little bit more, but now that I think about it, it'll be so much easier to start the next chapter from here.

I'm really sorry!

Oh, and if you have any suggestions or requests for side-stories or separate stories if you want, don't hesitate to ask!

Also, next chapter, I have a question to ask, so please, please, take the time to answer! Thanks guys, and again, I'm sorry about the shortness- I feel bad T.T.

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