Chapter 18: Down the Hallway

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Part 2


Today is the day- Halloween.

You used to be obsessed with Halloween and dressing up and everything- but today you had decided to be a kid again (even if you weren't allowed to) and dress up. You were dressed up as Frankenstein's Bride (that's what I'm dressing up as! What about you?) and the school day had already ended, so you were waiting for [B/F/N] to come around.

You waited and waited and waited, but she never came. Your phone started ringing in the awkwardly shaped and placed pocket in your dress and picked up the call.


"[Y/N]!! Where are you?!" You recognised [B/F/N]'s voice.

"I'm home. Where are you?"

"Why are you home? Get to school- quickly!" She hung up before you talk further and you sighed as you slipped your phone back into your pocket before beckoning Alexader- a new butler, to come over.

"Alexander, please drive me to school- I'm needed for business." He bowed hastily and clumsily, making you smile a little at his nervousness.

"Yes Ms."

"Now Alexander- you are to refer to me as [Y/N] and [Y/N] alone. Got that?" He nodded with a little bit of shame written across his face, but you smiled toward him reassuringly, telling him it was alright.


The school, at night, was creepy. The shear size of the buildings combined was enough to scare anybody new to it- but at night, it was just plain eerie. At day, it was a happy and cheerful place, but at night, and on Halloween no less, it put your nerves on the frizzle. You had heard that the class 1-A was doing a 'bravery contest' where they'd go around scaring each other- You hoped that none of them would find you.

You saw [B/F/N] standing by the gates dressed up as a pirate (Captain Hook to be specific) and was shuffling about like a suspicious person (which she kind of was). You ran up to her, well, I say run, but it was more of an awkward hop-walk. You were wearing heels, and she turned to you when she heard the clicking of your heels.

"Took you long enough!" She hissed, right when a gust of cold wind brushed against your slightly bare arms.

"You never told me to come here!"

"Didn't I? Huh." You sigh and resist the urge to face-palm. Nina and some of the maids had done your make-up and you didn't want to ruin it for them. She taps her chin as if she was trying to remember something. "Well, no matter! Come on!" She grabbed your arm and tug you toward the gate.

"Wh-What're you doing?" You ask hesitantly as she lets go and starts to scale the gate.

"Trying... To Get... IN!" She yells as she falls over the other side and you rush to the fence.

"Are you alright?!"

"Yeah..." She mutters something underneath her breath as she raises her hand into a thumbs up and you sigh in relief.

"You really shouldn't do that." You shake your head like she's a child misbehaving, which she kind of is.

"I know. Now to get you in!" She jumps up onto her feet, hands on her hips.

"I am not scaling the gate [B/F/N]." Stray leaves and flower petals brush against the backs of your legs as you stand on the other side of the fence in near pitch-black darkness except for the silver moon.

"Of course not!" She starts pushing the right side of the gate, and when there's a gap big enough, you run through before help her close it.

"If we get in trouble--"

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