Chapter 35: Ice-Cream Part 1

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~Your POV~

You loved ice-cream.

Most flavours included.

But there was something about this situation that made your appetite for ice-cream sort of... Distinguish.

You had asked Honey for ice-cream for two reasons:

1) You liked ice-cream. He liked ice-cream. You figured it would be easier to talk to him if you were doing something you both liked. (Eating.)

2) It was the only place you could think of.

Looking back on it, there were plenty of other places you could've taken him that were friendly- the park, the cinema (sorta pushing the boundaries, there), the library (why, though)...

But, instead, you chose ice-cream.

And it wouldn't even be that bad if it weren't for the multitudes of couples who decided today would be the day to go on an ice-cream date.

You should've realised this would be the most popular place to have ice-cream dates at. It only made sense.

They had good freakin' ice-cream.

~Honey's POV~

The drive to the ice-cream parlour was awkward enough, what with [Y/N] seeming to be fidgeting and smiling tensely and only giving one-word answers. It sort of put me on edge a bit. Perhaps she didn't realise Takashi wouldn't be coming?

~Your POV~

I hadn't realised Mori wouldn't be coming...

~Honey's POV~

Now that we had arrived, I felt a little less on edge. I knew this place- I didn't go here often, but when I wanted ice-cream, I came here.

It was one of those posh ice-cream parlours that only the rich seemed to have- it was stationed on the third floor of the mall and nearly took up the entire wall, which was just glass. There were booths by the glass-less walls, but everyone seemed to favour the host club-like couches and tables and seats.

The waiter (they ever had a waiter) too one look at us and sniffed before giving us a tense smile- one that proved she didn't like us being here. One look around proved that not many kids liked to come here. I wonder why.

"Is it just you two?" I was about to answer, but [Y/N] took the words right out of my mouth.

"Yes." She didn't even hesitate or shake- it appeared the 'on edge' vibe she had before had gone.

"Ah, well..." She looked at me again. [Y/N] noticed the way she was doing so and coughed ever-so-slightly in a way that told the waitress that it was a little inappropriate. I couldn't help but smile a little. "Right this way."

I counted, and it took 48 seconds to et to our seats- the ones right by the window.

~Your POV~

As soon as the waitress left again, I thought back to Alexander. He had assumed I was talking about this ice-cream parlour when I meant the other one- the 'commoner' one. Technically, it wasn't an ice-cream parlour, but it most certainly sold ice-cream. But, at the very least, this place sold ice-cream that was to die for. Even though the portion sizes did not match the prices at all. Overpriced minuscule ice-cream was his place's speciality.

"So, uhm, go ahead and pick anything- it's my treat!" You smile.

"Wha-? But I should pay! No, I want to pay!" You blink, blush ever so slightly (this was the kind of argument people have while on a date...) before shaking you head.

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