Chapter 21: I Don't Quite Understand

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A/N: Sorry about that long wait! I just had some things to catch up on in school, and next week will be the last week of school for me (YAY!). I was planning on updating last weekend (21-22), but for two reasons, I couldn't. 1) I hadn't finished the chapter 0////0 and 2) I WAS A DOCTOR WHO FESTIVAL! (In Sydney) WOOP!

Anyway, I'm sorry 'bout that wait... Here you go!

(Two chapters away :D)


"I'm sorry, but..." You sat in the living room, the windows were closed, leaving the room in utter silence apart of the timely 'tick' and 'tock' of the grandfather clock. Your entire family, from your parents to your grand-parents, sat in front of you, hands holding cups of tea. They sat in silence, just like you, but a few of them were fidgeting.

Your family had a very diverse amount of personalities- each individual person had almost no similarities (personality-wise) among any others, which was odd, considering genes (I am not very educated 'bout these sorts of things, so if you know the actual thing, then please tell me, unless I am correct of course :3 ).

"If it isn't rude to ask..." You were tired- you had just found out you were going to be a host, and now you were in yet another confusing situation. Your aunt, whom you cared about very greatly, looked around the room like there were things she wanted to change. Welp, when I come home tomorrow, I am going to need help finding my room. You could see that her scars had healed, but left behind small traces.

"Why are you all here?" That was it. A cacophony of mixed up sounds and syllables that made no sense erupted from the small crowd in front of you, and the sudden-ness of it all nearly made you drop your drink. "OKAY! Please quieten down..." You waved your hand and they slowly followed your order.

"Isn't it obvious?" Your grand-mother (on your mother's side), yelled out. For her age,she was really spritely, a trait not many others could posses. You shook your head sadly, still unable to see the purpose of all of them visiting.

"What is that school teaching you kids?" Your grandfather on your mother's side grumbled, but before you had the chance to defend Ouran Academy, your cousin (mother's side), spoke up.

"We're here 'cause you got hurt." Everyone nodded in sync, which made you think of the twins and you smiled.

"Thank you--"

"How is school by the way?" Your aunt on your father's side, with her perfectly manicured hands and perfect hair asked, looking up from her phone.

"It's going well."

"Anyone you like?" She asked again, before you got the chance to continue. You blushed slightly.

"NO! Of course not!" You laughed awkwardly into your tea cup as you sipped some more.

"She likes someone." All of your cousins spoke and you nearly chocked.

"Ahahahaha... You guys can leave now." You didn't actually say it, but you really wanted to. Instead, you sighed. "I don't like anyone, okay?"

"I MADE COOKIES!!!" Nina bounced up to you all, a large tray of cookies balanced on it. She placed the tray on the coffee table, and you all just spent the afternoon eating cookies, and talking. You slipped out of the room later that evening and sighed in relief as you made your way to your bedroom upstairs, flopping onto your bed face-first. You were almost a sleep when your phone started ringing.

You opened your eyes and sat up, fishing around your strangely large pocket in your dress, looking for your phone and pulled it up to your ear when you did.


"[Y/N]! Hey!" You recognised [B/F/N]'s voice and smiled, pulling yourself into a cross-legged sitting position.

"What's up?"

"Do you have your dress?"

"My... Dress?" You cocked your head to the side and furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, even though you were alone and she wouldn't be able to notice through the phone. You heard her sigh.

"For the Christmas Ball thingy."

"Oh. Right... I have to go to that..." She sighed again, and you laughed awkwardly.

"I'll see you tomorrow..." This time, she didn't sound like she did when she sighed- no, she sounded like she was planning something... Oh no...

You tried to ignore that, and fell asleep dreaming about all sorts of things.


You looked at the results of your test that you had done the week before and smiled- 100%.

Math wasn't particularly your best subject, and definitely wasn't your favourite, but this time you had practiced hard and studied hard, the finished product was exactly what you hoped for. You slipped it into the folder you carried with you everywhere and made your way to the Host Club.

You opened the door, and your folder slipped out of your grip.

What is this?

~Haruhi's POV~

"I'd never hear the end of it if I show up late again..." I ran toward the Music Room #3 in which I spent probably too much time in.

I skidded to a slow halt in front of the music room, sending a few girls who were waiting for the club to open a smile before wandering in.

Inside, the room was warm, almost hot, with palm trees and all sorts of tropical plants and animals around. My jaw dropped at the sight- I swore it was Spring last time I checked...


Haruhi walked in and you were so glad it was just her. You were really nervous- today was your first day in cosplay, and what a day to start. The boys (aside from Tamaki) were all topless, though a couple of them were wearing things that draped over their shoulders. Honey looked adorable with his flower-necklace thing (they had told you what it was earlier, but you forgot).

You were wearing a slightly simple design, with a deep violet skirt with gold thread weaving fancy patterns that looked like the plants that surrounded you, and a white sleeveless top with a really heavy necklace that connected the collar of your top and reached the base of your neck. It had gems and patterns engraved into it.

The three boys were likely to come in today, and you'd rather have no one see you like this.

You walked towards the hosts who have yet to realise your presence. You decided it'd be best if they didn't and stayed a safe distance away. Unfortunately, that wasn't enough to keep you protected.

"[Y/N]-chan! You look so cute~" Honey beamed, jumping close toward you, making you blush. He looked so excited at the fact you were a host now, and he looked adorable in his costume. His cheeks were dusted pink, which only made him look even more cute.

"Thank you Honey, though you look even cuter." His smile turned into a pout.

"But I wanna look handsome..." He muttered childishly, and you giggled.

"What's so bad with cute, Honey?" You smiled a closed eye smile toward him and he looked toward you slightly surprised, but quickly smiled adorably. That comment was unlike him though... Is he okay?

"You're right [Y/N]-chan! Come on! We're opening~"

You stood among the other Hosts, envious of Haruhi, because she didn't have to wear the cosplay, but even more nervous about the guests and their reaction.

The door opened and you started smiling welcomingly.


A/N: SO SORRY ABOUT THE LACK OF CHAPTER UPDATING (and the short chapter)! I just had some important stuff happening... But I barely have any homework anymore, which is good... School will finish for me next week, and I can't wait for Thursday, 'cause I get to go to the movies with my year level ;D

Anyway, I'll try and upload soon! And I hope you enjoyed~

(~0.0)~ HAVE A GREAT DAYY!! ~(0.0~)

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