Chapter 36: Ice-Cream Part 2

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~Your POV~

You didn't choose to be awkward- if anything, you had wished against it. Of course, the years of wasting wishes on stupid things as a five year old had probably watered out your chances of getting wishes to come true now as you sat across from a blissful Honey.

No seriously, he looked like he was floating on a cloud made of cotton-candy, he was that blissful.

You felt like kissing his cheek... He had the cutest cheeks.


Is that creepy? It sounds a little creepy... You choke a little on your ice-cream and his eyes flicker to you before you even finish coughing slightly.

"Are you alright?" He asks, cocking his head ever-so-slightly. You can't do anything but nod- this was more serious than what you had originally thought, you think solemnly. "That's good!" He smiles again- the kind of smile they put in anime's.

You smile as you continue eating your ice-cream.


You smile softly, watching the car drive away and off to Honey's home. You wonder as you walk toward your front door what kind of house he lived in but your train of thought is interrupted as the door swings open so fast, you jump in reaction.

"How'd it go?" Nina is leaning out of the doorway, balancing on one leg as she holds an ice-pack around her foot. You're about to ask what had happened when she continues her interrogation. "Are you engaged yet?" You look at her in embarrassed and horrified shock and she smirks a little. "No? Okay, how about pregnant--"


"Careful- you'll wake Narnia." She teases, letting your blushing self in through the door before closing it. "So nothing happened, huh? You should get a move on, y'know~!"

"No! Why would something happen? And why should I 'get a move on'?" She makes a face you know surprisingly well, making you feel a seed of worry in the pit of your stomach. "Nina... What do you know?"

"Nothing." She looks away. You stand and stare at her for a second. Two seconds. Three seconds... "Only that your father is looking for someone to betroth you with." Your throat seems to close and your tongue feels unnaturally dry.

"That... Are you sure? I mean, he never prepared anything at birth, which is the usual course of action when it comes to these sorts of things..." She nods slowly.

"Yes, well, your father thinks it would be best if you were to have someone to help you take care of the business when you're older--"

"But I don't know anything about the business- or business in general!"


"Nina, what time is it in Australia right now?" Your father was on business in Australia.

"I would say it's--"

"You know what, it doesn't even matter. Nina, I'm going to be making a very important phone call and it may take a while, so could you make sure no one disturbs me?" You begin walking up the stairs toward your bedroom, not waiting to hear Nina's reply to your request.

"Well, it's just me, so that shouldn't be too hard." She mutters to herself before walking back to the living room.

~The Next Day~

Pissed couldn't eloquently describe how angry you were right now. The anger you were feeling right now was so incapacitating, you knew you wouldn't be able to speak without yelling.

"Are you okay?"

"I AM JUST PEACHY RIGHT NOW, THANKS." [B/F/N]'s eyebrows furrow as she looks slightly concerned at your apparent anger. The entire hallway turns to see you seething with rage- that wasn't even an exaggeration. They all turned away before you it the change to turn your annoyance onto them.

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