Chapter 23: Dance Practice

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You walked into the Music Room, and when you entered, you noticed Honey, Mori and Tamaki weren't here yet, which was odd. Haruhi was sitting in the corner, studying, with an aura of concentration around her. You decided it was best not to disturb her, so you take a seat in front of the twins.

"So, why'd you run out yesterday?" You blink- you hadn't thought they'd remember things like that.

"Oh, uh... My mum and [B/F/N] had something planned- it was a surprise. That's why."

"So your mum's back from France." You furrow your eyebrows once more. They remembered that too?

"Yeah..." An awkward silence flows over you three, until Tamaki burst into the room with a flourish, and with Honey and Mori trailing behind him. Tamaki and his company move toward you three and sit. Honey jumps into the seat next to you, and hugs you tightly.

"HEY [Y/N]-CHAN!!!" He yells out of excitement and beams up at you. Even though you're surprised at the sudden hug and yelling, you smile warmly.

"Hi Honey, what's got you so excited?" He pulls back, and Mori walks over with two plates, both with their own cakes and forks. You accept the plate h offered to you with a grateful 'thanks' and wide smile. Lately, the Hosts had started to feel more and more like friends- they were even giving you cake without asking. It all just made you feel really happy.

"Today we get to see Haruhi dance~!" You feel your smile twitch ever-so-slightly. Does Honey...?

"Really?" You smile at the fluffy taste of strawberry sponge cake (if you want, you can change it to something else).

"Ya! But Tamaki's upset he won't get to dance with her." He whispers the second part into your ear, and you blush the proximity but nod when he leans back.

Lately, almost everything Honey did made your heart beat faster and harder- just looking at him made your chest hurt. In fact, you had caught yourself almost confessing a couple times when you were in a daze of pure happiness.

You knew you couldn't confess to Honey- judging on the way he acted around you, he thought of you just as a friend, maybe a sister at the most.

You lay your fork down gently next to the slice of cake you had only eaten half of and placed the plate onto the table in front of you, your appetite suddenly gone. Honey's flowers slowly pop out of existence as he notices this, and looks at you, concerned, but doesn't ask what's wrong.

Instead, he holds out Usa-chan to you, and that's when you notice him again. You smile wide and hug Usa-chan close to you, and you're about to thank him, when Konako walk into the room. Konako places a music player on one of the tables and Mori starts to clear a large area- probably for dance practice.

Konako and Haruhi start to dance, and before long, you're watching them, giggling slightly at the almost terrified look on Haruhi's face, and swaying softly to the music. Quick, quick, slow...

Honey is still sitting beside you, because he was eating cake, but as soon as he's finished, he grabs your hand and pulls you out into the clearance. In shock, you drop Usa-chan on the couch, but you find that he's sitting comfortably, as if he were watching you two. His head falls to the side, leaving him looking like he's pushing you both on. You're blushing profusely, because all of the other hosts are watching you two, smiling and smirking. Honey's beaming like a little kid at the sight of ice-cream, and takes both of your hands.

His hold on your hands are soft and careful, as if he thinks you're fragile. The thought of him wanting to take care of you makes your face flush a deeper shade of red. You look into Honey's eyes, and it's almost like you both communicate.

Your blushing goes down and you smirk slightly before full on grinning. You tighten your grip on Honey's hands and start spinning- going quicker and quicker.

He's smiling and laughing, which is making your heart feel like it could burst out of your chest any moment now.

You catch sight of the hosts rolling their eyes, as if they expected you both to start waltzing- but that wasn't exactly Honey's style. Especially since he had just had a slice of cake, which probably gave him a lot of energy. If it were anyone else, they'd probably be sick because of the spinning.

You knew he wouldn't get sick because of it, because well... He's Honey!

Eventually, you start to feel extremely dizzy and you start to trip over your own feet multiple times before you stop spinning. Now, in a daze as you make your way to the couch that had Usa-chan sitting in it, you miscalculate how far you were from him, and fall into the floor next to the couch.

Ignoring the laughs of two hosts in particular, you mumble a faint 'ouch' into the floor, and sit up, groaning slightly. You see Honey's hand extend and offer you support, and you take it gently, pink dusting your cheeks as you avoid his gaze.

"You should be more careful [Y/N]-chan~ You could get yourself hurt!" He was worrying about me? Even though this was probably something he did to everyone, it made you feel over-the-moon happy.


Later on, Tamaki fills you in on the plan for the party night, and how we were going to set Konako up with her fiancé, which sounds kind of weird when you say it, but you agreed whole-heartedly- anything for the name of romance.

Something that was seemingly something you weren't going to be getting anytime soon.


The day has ended, and you're leaving school, walking beside [B/F/N] and smiling like an idiot.

[B/F/N] glances around, and when she realises no one is around, she leans in closer to you.

"I have a plan." This immediately pulls you out of your train of thought. Basing judgment on her past plans, this one wouldn't be exactly... Safe.

"Okayyyy..." You pull the word out long, and she ignores your hesitance.

"Don't worry- you don't have to do anything! I've gotten the [Y/N] and Honey fan club together, and we'll be the one to execute it--" you interrupt, blushing.

"Fan club?" She waves her hand.

"Yeah! You have more people who ship you two than you think! Anyway! Back onto the plan... Basically, we're planning to have you both dance together."

"Oh! That doesn't sound so--"

"On a cloud!" She throws her hands outward, and you wonder if she's joking or not. She looks at your face and laughs.
"Only joking!"

"Okay, well, that doesn't sound so bad.."

"Who knows, maybe this will be your chance to confess!" She lets out a worryingly loud gasp. "What if you guys get together?! OH MY GOD THAT WOULD BE PERFECT!" You roll your eyes, blushing deeply.

You weren't going to lie, you had thought of that... Maybe a little too much.


A/N: I am really sorry for the lack of updating for a while (it's felt like a while). I went camping, and shopping (every day, I kid you not) and barely had time. I plan to update on Christmas, which I celebrate a day before you guys (I celebrate on Christmas Eve, the 24th, because I was born in Norway, so it's tradition), but I'll update on the 25th, so it's like a Christmas present for all of you! As a thanks for all the support you've been giving me!

Like, seriously, 12k reads... I am so grateful for each and every read, vote and comment! I hope the next chapter is good, because I have quite a few plans for it (I better start writing!)

Well, I'll see you guys on Christmas! Have a great day or night!

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