Chapter 4: For The Sake Of The King!

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A/N: Hi.

I've dedicated this chapter to a good friend of mine. She's an amazing person, and she's really supportive of my fan fiction writing, in fact, I got her into it ;). She's writing a fan fiction right now (even though it isn't anime,) and I totally think you should check it out!

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy!! :D


"Keep your back straight!"

Despite the event being in three months, [b/f/n] had insisted on teaching you how to dance. Despite the horrible inconvenience of these lessons- at least she was happy. Her natural confidence had slowly began to appear again, and her wide smile managed to reach her face without her seeming to realise it.

"Sorry!" But sometimes, she got a little scary. "Can I ask you a question?"

You may have forgot to mention it, but you were dancing with her- just so you know.

Her face softened from its 'teacher look' back to her normal expression. Maybe she has multiple personalities... Explains a lot.

"What's up?"

"Why do I need to learn to dance when the actual event is so far away?"

"Are you kidding?" She broke away to replace the music. When she met up again with you and began moving again, you stepped on her toe. Her face winced, but she kept quiet.


Her face fell into a more 'lost' expression. She seemed hesitant to speak her mind, yet she seemed like she really wanted to.

"Do you want the truth?"


She opened her mouth to speak, but hesitated- just for a second.

"I just want to see you dance better than all of the other girls there- that's all."

You saw right through her.



After school, you walked down the hallway nearing the main entrance, when you heard loud, quick steps. Someone was running. The steps were widespread- you could tell, but they were slightly less heavier than most of the kids in your grade. Was it a middle school student?

You turned around, clutching books to your chest, and saw Honey running towards you.

He seemed terrified- his entire face twisted into an uncharacteristic noise-less scream. When he neared you, his eyes flickered in recognition, and before you could think of any plausible explanation, he grabbed your wrist and pulled up into his sprint. His hand wrapped around your wrist only just, and although it was strong and firm, it was warm and nearly cautious. 

Due to the sudden pull, you nearly tripped over your own feet, but managed to get your legs under control, and soon enough, you were sprinting along with Honey. Your mind should've been on the reason why he was running, but...

You couldn't keep your eyes off of his wrist.

He pulled you around a corner, into a tiny alcove that you hadn't even realised was there. He let go of your wrist, and it fell lifelessly to your side. As soon as his hold left your wrist, it felt as if something was missing. You shook away the thought.

You stood there, trying to quietly gather your breath, watching Honey, who seemed to be watching the outside of the alcove, eyes wide and searching. He looked a lot more mature than he usually would. Even with Usa-chan held tightly to his chest, his facial features looked sharper- more mature. His eyes weren't in a constant childish stare, they were in a more focused one. Without thinking, you felt something slip inside of you.

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