Chapter 17: Doctor Hug (What?)

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A/N: Hi!

This is just a short chapter, an you could classify it as a kind of one-shot.. But I wrote this as a sort of 'filler' because I didn't want it to cut from Hospital straight to Halloween night. So here we are. Anyway, I hope you like. The next chapter will be uploaded tomorrow. Enjoy! Also, I'm sorry 'bout the bias Doctor Who opinions...


Part 1


You had been let out of the hospital yesterday, but Nina kept you at home for precautions, no matter how many times you assured her you were fine. It wasn't just Nina coddling you, it was almost every single other servant, teacher and school peer too- some people you didn't even know came up to you and have your their condolences. No one had even died, but they were going on about how strong you were and rubbing your arm- all you could do was stand there bored and slightly freaked out.

It was a week before Halloween, and the Host Club were all decked out for it- Halloween decorations covered the room in more-than-generous amounts. The Hosts themselves had decided on being Vampires, which was rather cliche, but it kind of suited them.

You and [B/F/N] were the first there during lunch, which was a first for the both of you. [B/F/N] made her way to Tamaki, and you, to Honey and Mori.

Honey sat across from you and the cape that reached his elbows made a swift 'swoosh' noise as he sat down. He looked adorable as a vampire, but you chose not to say anything- he'd probably be able to tell that you liked him if you did...

"Hey [Y/N]-chan!" He smiled earnestly and you sent him a slightly smaller smile. Your injuries had started to fade, leaving only scars from the cuts that they had given you.

"Hi Honey." Mori set a cake down in front of you- Honey didn't even have to offer it to you anymore, Mori just kind of gave it to you like you were Honey himself. You blushed to yourself at the thought of being a 'regular' amongst the Hosts.

"So, [Y/N]-chan... What's your favourite T.V show?"

At the mention of favourite T.V show, hundreds of shows and anime came up into your head. "Ah, well, that's kind of hard to say... But if I had to choose a favourite I'd say... Doctor Who!" (If you don't like that, go ahead and change it ^_^) You looked up from your cake excitedly and began rambling on about the aliens and companions of the famed Doctor, your cheeks getting rosy from the lack of breathing in-between sentences.

Well, you did love the show- it was only to be expected.

Honey smiled like he was really interested in your ramblings, and Mori just smirked in amusement. You paused only to breath (stupid lungs and the need for air- it's just a bothersome having to breath, ugh) and to eat some of your cake, which tasted amazing today- it was your favourite.

"You like Doctor Who?" Hikaru and Kaoru slid to you and rested their elbows on the table you shared with Honey.

"YES!" You accidentally yelled, making all four of them to turn to you in surprise, in turn, making you blush.

"Who's your favourite?"

"Oh.... That is one of the hardest questions to answer- actually, it's definitely [favourite Doctor Who character]!!" You were extremely happy at the chance to talk about Doctor Who- you used to talk about it so often that people had told you not to speak about it to them.

"I like the Master." Hikaru states and you start bouncing with fan-girlism.

"He's one of my favourite villains- he has a really cool storyline!"

"Am I the only one who hasn't seen Doctor Who?" Kyoya walks to your table.

"Nope~" Honey sings with a little bit of sadness in his voice, catching you off-guard.

"I haven't seen it." Mori says simply, and Haruhi is suddenly (magically) next to Mori and says the same thing.

"WATCH IT!!!" You, Hikaru and Kaoru yell together, in sync, which makes you smile toward them and give them both a hi-five.


Clients had came flooding in soon after, and your appointment with Honey had ended and even though he cutely stated that you could stick around, you could almost feel the girls icy stares and decided to leave was probably the best course of action if you wanted your injuries to completely heal.

So you stood around awkwardly before feeling somebody's body weight shift onto you, and you quickly realised it was both of the twins leaning on you.

"He's never gonna realise." Hikaru says with mocking sadness.

"Notice what?" You ask, but they both ignore you.

"I know Hikaru- it's so sad..." Kaoru replies to Hikaru, and you thought that if this was going to continue, you'd get annoyed fast.

"Notice what?" You ask a little louder and clearer, in reply, the twins lean away from you and move in front of you, now leaning against each other.

"Your feelings of course~" They sang with some hits of deviousness in it.

"What?" You stutter quietly, your face turning red- only making their smirks grow wider.

"You gotta make it obvious--" Kaoru is suddenly close to your face and whispering to you, his nose millimetres away from your cheek- and if you weren't blushing before, you were burning now.

"Otherwise he'll never notice your affections..." Hikaru finished Kaoru's sentence, again, millimetres away from your face. Their eyes stared straight into yours and you felt your heart beat faster.

"[Y/N]-chan?" Honey speaks out-of-the-blue from behind the twins, and as they move away, you blush harder when you realise other people had witnessed your... Intimate moment with the twins. Honey looks slightly annoyed toward the twins, but pushes it away when he hugs you tightly. This kind of hug feels foreign from his usual one- this one was gentler, more caring.

He moves away as quickly as he came and smiles childishly before grabbing your hand and twirling you around and running off, giggling as he made his way back to his clients.

As you stare off in his direction, you hardly notice the twins smirk toward each other.

"Knew it." They say to each other before walking away nonchalantly back to their awaiting clients.


A/N: Ahhhhhhhh- that probably sucked, but, well, I'm sick and I felt the need to write so I followed my instincts...

I hope it was alright, and the actual Halloween update will come out tomorrow!

See ya next time! ^_^

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