Chapter 30: Believe It Or Not

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"Write your name here, please." You, Honey and Mori froze as soon as the door shut. The sight of the other hosts staring at you all with confused but worried stares made you glance toward Honey with momentary concern. Your eyes meet for a split second and you feel like your entire body goes into shock from the surprise of seeing Honey looking at you. You push away all of the other scenarios that could be similar to this one out of your head as you look back forward, set on not letting Honey see how pent up he could get you. Reiko stood closer to you three than the hosts did and was holding out two sticks and a pen.

"Wha--?" Honey, obviously confused as to what the purpose of these two flat sticks were, cocked his head to the side and stared from the objects to Reiko as if he were trying to deduce an explanation from her without her speaking. He, of course, failed.

And even though Reiko was blushing profusely as she stared off to the side, she seemed determined to not give away any hints as to what those objects could mean or signify.

And according to the looks the other hosts were giving you and Honey, you could tell they didn't know either.

"Please, sign your name here." She repeated. You couldn't help but feel your stomach sink a little- something seemed off about the whole situation. Or, in particular, Reiko's motives.

Honey moved forward with caution and just enough hesitation that Usa-chan was drooping down his arms. You wanted to stop him.

But you didn't have the right.

He wasn't yours to stop.

You needed to get out of here.

"I, uh, forgot- I have a doctors appointment today... I gotta go." You say to no one in particular as you turn toward the doors behind you. Having completely forgotten about Mori being behind you, you jumped a little under his blank gaze.

"Why?! Are you sick, [Y/N]-chan?" Honey's voice made you freeze for a moment as you looked over your shoulder with a semi-forced smile. He looked at you, mixed concern and sadness as he clutched his Usa-chan closer to him.

"Maybe. That's why I'm going to the doctors. Don't worry about me, though." You glanced around to each of the hosts before walking out of the third music room and heading toward reception.

You lied. You didn't have an appointment.

Kyoya knew this fact- you could see it behind his glasses. Yet he didn't say anything.

He knew how you were feeling. Maybe.

He was a better friend than he gave himself credit for, perhaps.

All you needed to get Nina to pick you up was a good enough excuse. Then you could stay home and at least try to get over Honey.

This was a situation that called for ice-cream and cake. Okay, maybe not cake, but sweets.

No sweets.

God, look at what he's done to me.

~Honey's POV~

Reiko left the room as soon as I had signed her stick, leaving behind a group of rather confused host club members. Whatever that was about, none of us had any idea about what it could be.

But there was a more pressing matter.

Is [Y/N] sick? If she is, that would mean she's have to take some days off of school, wouldn't it. Honestly, I don't know what I think about that- obviously I want her to get better quickly. Probably more than anyone else, dare I say.

But then again... Missing school?

How many days would she miss? The more days she misses, the sicker she is, right? And with no real way to communicate with her outside of turning up outside her house, I wouldn't be able to find out how her appointment went or how many days she'd miss. Which basically meant not knowing and when it comes to [Y/N], not knowing is never going to be enjoyable.

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