Chapter 5: That Darn Moffat

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A/N: Hello everyone!

I just spent 3 hours studying, so some fan fiction writing is the perfect way to unwind.

I hope you enjoy!

ALSO! I don't own Ouran High School Host Club (I wish) or Doctor Who.
Sorry, onto the story now! :D



You woke up Saturday morning with your hair in a horribly tangled mess. As you leaned forward, you rubbed the sleep from you eyes as you yawned. The sunlight was shining through the curtains as you looked at your Dalek clock (A/N: They have those!!! :DD) and saw that it was 10:34.

Early- taking into consideration what time you usually got up on the weekends.

You got out of bed, and walked shakily to the bathroom that connected to your room and stumbled into the shower.


After the shower, you got out slightly more awake than before and began brushing your teeth.

After that, you exited your bathroom, and walked into the hallway, down to the living room.

Last night, your Mum and Dad had left on a business trip, so you had the entire house to you and your maids and butlers- you could play a game, but... The bestest show in the universe was waiting.

Angels Take Manhattan

You sank into the sofa just as Nina entered the room with [Y/F/B/F] (Your Favourite Breakfast Food) on a tray. You beamed up at her as she laid it down on the table, smiling at you for a moment before glancing at the T.V screen.

She gasped.

"What?" You ask, slightly confused as to why she reacted like that. This was a pretty old episode- you've been pretty consumed in your studies, so you haven't much time to actually watch the show, and you only found the show a months ago.

"I haven't seen this episode yet..." She whispers. You smile to yourself and scoot to the side.

"Watch it with me." She turns to you with a disappointed smile.

"You know I can't."

"No one will know."

"... Are you sure?" She moves slightly closer to the couch, and you smile.

"Of course!"


Then, you pressed play.

~Halfway through the episode~

As the time passed, most of the butlers and maids had joined you two. Apparently, they had learnt about you watching this show, and wanted to see the appeal, so they watched it, and some of them already had seen this episode and were extremely evasive and a bit nervous- whereas, most of them hadn't seen it yet, and where sitting on the edge of the couch along with you.

Amy and Rory were going to jump off of the building.

~End of the episode~

A/N: WARNING! Extremely bias opinions here, and most probably won't relate, so if you are a hardcore Doctor Who fan, and your opinions are very exact, and hate any other way of thinking about it, you may want to consider skipping this next bit, at least a little of it.

Ginormous spoilers for the Doctor Who episode Angels Take Manhattan, so be warned!


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