Chapter 9: Complexity

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A/N: Later on, if that is not the way you sleep, pretend it is. Thank you! :D


Wow, I can't believe I actually made this mistake- but in two earlier chapters, I've said that your mother is a pastry chef, and then an interior designer. When I said interior designer, I meant to be talking about your aunt. You'll find out more 'bout that later...



Hikaru and Kaoru's talent in telling ghost stories was almost scarier than their story. They made them sound believable- like they had actually happened. Honey was hugging your arm tightly, which was making you slightly blush, which made you thankful for the dimness of the room.

"Wow..." Once the twins had completed their story, which strangely enough, included no jump scare, you all kept where you were, too afraid to speak first. You could tell [B/F/N] was bit freaked out, but she wasn't going to admit it, definitely not in front of the Hosts. You let your eyes drift toward the grandfather clock that stood in between two windows and saw that it was nearly 10 o'clock. Barely any time had past... Tamaki was the first to break the silence.

"What other sort of things do you normally do at a commoner's sleep-over?" You immediately knew what [B/F/N] was going to suggest- you two had played in numerous times.

"Truth or dare!" At first, some of the boys seemed a little confused.

"Have you seriously never played truth or dare?" Haruhi was sitting cross-legged, leaning against the arm of the couch. She raised an eye-brow toward the other hosts. "It seems like the only likely game you guys would know about..." You smiled at that.

~After Explaining The Game (I assume you guys know how to play)~

"Okay, makes sense... Now! [Y/N]! Truth or dare?" Hikaru immediately took the chance of being first- and decided on you.

"Hmm..." You thought about it for a moment. If you chose truth, he'd probably make you answer some awkward question- but, if you chose dare, well, this is Hikaru you're talking about. Hikaru. "Truth."

"How do you know so much about commoner's games?" You blinked. This was hardly something you were expecting. [B/F/N] already knew the answer- obviously, but now that you thought about it, she was the only one you had ever really told. Should I?

"Well, my mum grew up as a commoner. Her father was also a pastry chef. She took up the family business from there, and when she met my dad, whom was and always has been a rich man, instantly decided she hated him. That obviously changed over time- but when I was born, my dad would be travelling all the time, so it was just me and my mum. She taught me these games." You may have said a bit too much, but no one seemed to mind that much, in fact, Tamaki seemed to find it cute.

~A bit later because I don't know how to write the Hosts playing Truth or Dare after that D:~

It was getting late, and most of you were droopy-eyed, so you had decided to set up for the sleep-over. Nina had insisted we sleep on actual mattresses, so she had a few of them taken in. Three doubles and three singles.

You and [B/F/N] were going to share a double, and as soon as your head hit the pillow, you were fast asleep.

~Honey's POV~

[Y/N] looked adorable when she was asleep. Her lips were slightly parted and she rested her cheek on her hand, her other hand sort of falling off the side of the mattress. She must've been really tired. I leaned over the edge of the mattress I had been lying in and gingerly took her hand and placed it back onto her mattress before leaning back. She seemed to snuggle into a ball, which made her look even more adorable than before.

I hugged Usa-chan closer and closed my eyes.


When you woke up, you quickly realised that you were the first to wake up. Most of the others had managed to either fall off of their mattresses, or lean almost on-top of their neighbour. The sun was only rising, so you decided to just stay where you were, as to not disturb anyone else.

Honey looked peaceful in his sleep. He looked like a five-year old after they had stayed out really late for the night. His arms were loosely holding Usa-chan, and his chest was falling and rising, in rhythm with his breathing. His mouth twitched into a smile and you couldn't help but wonder what he had been dreaming about.

"So have you figured it out yet?" Someone whispered in you ear, and you let out a tiny scream. Thankfully, no one else was really disturbed. You shifted to look at [B/F/N] who was smirking tiredly, her hair tangled beyond hope. You raised an eyebrow.

"Figured what out?" You whispered, and her smirk only widened. She leaned forward close to your ear.

"You like Honey. Don't you~?" She practically sang, and even though she was whispering, it felt like she had yelled it out for the entire world to hear. Honey was right next to you after all. Your eyes widened and red streamed across your face as you looked down. [B/F/N] just smiled happily.

"Knew it~" She started shaking a bit and you looked up. She sounded like she struggling not to squeal and you reapplied what was going on- her shipping squeal. You blushed and turned away.

"Whatcha talkin' 'bout~?" Honey jumped next to you and you nearly fell over in shock- [B/F/N] just started full out squealing. You just cringed and blushed together.

"Uh... Nothing really... How did you sleep?" Honey adverted his eyes from [B/F/N] to you and smiled brightly.

"I slept really well, thanks!"


After that, one after another, each other host started waking up and as you were walking toward the kitchen, Tamaki pulled you away from the group.

"[Y/N]." He looked more serious than you had ever seen him before, which slightly scared you.

"Y-Yes, Tamaki?" His expression fell into one of slight awe, a little bit of fear and mainly curiosity. You instantly felt a little less pressured, but a little more worry.

"How did you get Honey to wake up third?" You blinked.


"How did you make Honey wake up without getting angry?" You cocked your head to the side.

"I didn't do anything- he woke up by himself." Tamara's face automatically read confused, but eventually morphed into curiosity. "Anyway, come on, let's go get some breakfast."

"Right!" He skipped down the hallway, and you smiled. His mood changed rather quickly.


"Goodbye everyone!" You waved from the front door as everyone left. You closed the door and leaned against it, sighing in relief.

Finally, I can relax.

"Mistress!" Nina ran toward you.

"How many times do I have to say--" She stopped in front of her, her dress ruffled and hair messier than usual. She was scared, worried, and her breathing was erratic.

"It's about your parents."

Your jaw went tense and your entire body sank.


A/N: Okay, so here's were it really starts. The reason why the other hosts don't really talk that much, is because I'm not really focused on them, so they don't really get a lot of lines unless it's important for the plot.

If you don't like this- I can change it so other hosts get a little more?

I honestly don't mind either way, so just go ahead and give me your opinion! This is about you after all! ;D

I hope you enjoyed, and if you have any helpful criticism, than please, tell me! See you soon!

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