Benevolent Is A Great Word (TAGGED)

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I was tagged yet again for a challenge... If you didn't want to see a tag challenge, I have some information about the actual fan-fiction after the challenge is complete, so just skim through this if you want. Or not read this at all, it's up to you!


-You have to post the rules with the tag.

-Say thirteen things about yourself.

-You can't refuse to do it.

-Do the challenge within a week (says the girl who is like, a month late (I was tagged for this twice)).

-Tage 15 people to do the challenge.

-The chapter the challenge is in must have a weird name (or abnormal, like mine. But seriously, benevolent is a really good word, right??)

Alrighty then, let's get straight into the challenge:

1. I learn and play the clarinet in Concert Band, and am sometimes asked to fill in for the first register clarinet players for the Junior Show Band.

2. My guilty secret is that I play Otome games (THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I'M ACTUALLY ADMITTING IT- GUYS DON'T JUDGE ME, OKAY? I DON'T KNOW HOW I STARTED, I JUST....Elias Goldstein is bae, though...)


4. I am a sucker for romance comedies on a Friday night. (plz don't take that the wrong way- I avoid saying that precisely because of that reason)

5. Shane Koyczan is my reason to live- his poems are art. Listen to them on youtube, they're so good!

6. My birthday is on the 2nd of August. (Have I mentioned that before? I feel like I have...)

7. I want to teach Science, Humanities and Design when I'm older.

8. I'm apart of the Phandom. (Although I ship them a bit, its intensity doesn't compare to those who have written the cherry fic, the chair fic or even worse... The backpack fic... NEVER READ IT- YOU WILL BE SCARRED. I have insane Phandom friends.)

9. I've had severe anxiety and depression before. (My anxiety was both anxiety, social anxiety and a bit of intrusive thoughts. My depression was pretty bad, but it's gone now. Though, I do relapse a bit sometimes... I'm good though, most of the time :)

10. I'm a perfectionist, though I'm impatient. (The reason why I give you really bad chapters after like, weeks of nothing.)

11. I have so many fictional crushes I literally can't think of them all at the same time. (Free!, Ouran High School Host Club, Hetalia, Harry Potter, Black Butler... Way more after that as well...)

12. I started writing fan-fiction two years ago- it was My Little Pony fan-fiction. I think it's still there... Lemme check... Yep. Still there. In it's cringey, grammatically incorrect, naive, horribly anti-climatic ending glory. (THIMBLES AND ACORNS XOX???? WHAT THE FUDGE, YOUNGER ME????)

13. I have never been romantically involved with someone. (There were no more interesting facts about me, so... There??)

Okie! Now I have to tag people:
(There's no one else to tag D:)


I've actually had the next chapter ready for upload about a week ago, but after I was reading trough it, I realised: it sounds so forced.

It would've been like, the third last chapter- but it sounded terribly forced and nothing like what I had tried so hard to create.

Honey was AU and OOC and the reader was sorta Mary-Sue, which I absolutely hate in fan-fiction.

So, thus, I'm re-writing it.

I know some of you may be upset, but since this is nearly the end, I want it to sound good. The ending of a book, or in this case, a fan-fiction, can practically change your entire opinion of said work, so I really want this to sound good- for you and for me, just so I could be proud of this entire fan-fiction.

I really hope you guys understand!

Also, everyone wants to see my face, huh...

Well, I'm going to go to a birthday on the thirteenth of August, so I guess you guys can see me when I'm looking my best :) (because my mum knows that a certain person I *cough* like *cough* is going to be there, she's bought me a dress and is actually getting me a make-up artist. SHE CARES MORE ABOUT MY APPEARANCE THAN I HAVE EVER, COMBINED.)

Well, that's pretty much it... I hope you guys have a lovely day and I'll see you soon! (Hopefully)



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