Chapter 7: Nothing Much

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A/N: I'm starting to put in music because- well, who doesn't love music?! Especially Andy Grammer! He's like, the bomb! Well, not the literal bomb- but you get it! I'll try to make them match the chapter, but I can't promise anything. For instance, this song here doesn't have much to do with this chapter- but, I just really like it.

In fact, I have a whole list of songs I have ready for future chapters! I really have to hurry up so I can use them all, because I really want to write fluff soon! <3 SOON!!!




~Honey's POV~

The rest of the Hosts seemed suspicious- really suspicious. Well, more suspicious than they usually were anyway... They've been absolutely quiet- no fights over ridiculous things, no obsessing over Haruhi, which is sort of surprising for Tamaki. They've been behaving weirdly all day...

"Honey? Are you alright?" I almost forgot I still had a few guests and shook my head slightly, smiling at the girls.

"I'm always feeling happy around you ladies!" I continued hosting until I was on break. Usually, I'd enjoy hosting- it was kind of fun and I got to eat cake freely. But today, it just seemed to exhaust me.

It all seemed a bit... Ordinary.

~Your POV~

Mondays were the best.

A fresh start at a new day. Weekends were refreshing, but when Monday came, everything seemed to just feel better and fresher. I walked down the hallway, smiling at the prospect of a new week when I saw [B/F/N] in front of her locker.

"Hey [B/F/N]!" You greeted her as you walked two lockers down to yours, placing the unnecessary items in your locker and grabbing your business management textbook and your english books before walking back to [B/F/N].

"Hey [Y/N]. How was your weekend?" She kept her eyes inside her locker as she rummaged through her bag. Don't worry, this happened all of the time- she forgot things easily. "I forgot my pencil case..." She muttered angrily underneath her breath and you smiled slightly.

You kept a spare pencil case if your locker for just this reason. You grabbed it from your locker and passed it to her. She beamed toward you thankfully.

"Thanks [Y/N]! I owe ya one!" She smiled and closed her locker door. You both fell into step as you began walking toward class. "You never answered my question about your weekend."

You thought back to your weekend and started feeling a bit nervous about the drawing. They wouldn't show the entire school, for it had no benefits at all except your embarrassment, which you were pretty sure didn't matter to them.

"Ah, well, it was an average weekend... How about yours?"

"Dad took me out for some archery practice." She nonchalantly mentions archery- but she was actually extremely talented. 

"Like you need it." You smiled towards [B/F/N], and she blushes, looking away slightly.

"I'm not that good..." She whispers and you just giggle at her obvious shyness. Despite her confident, care-free nature, she was often very timid when it came down to it. 

"Hey, this Friday, do you wanna stay over?" You ask [B/F/N] and she nods.

"My parents are going on a business trip from Friday to Sunday, so yeah, I can stay over!" She smiles and when the bell rings, you both enter the classroom before the teacher arrives.


"Wanna go see the Hosts?" [B/F/N] asks, slightly sarcastic. You, still half in though, reply.

"Yeah, why not." She looks at you, slightly worried.

"Do you have a fever?" You shake yourself out of your thoughts. When you really thought about- you honestly didn't mind the prospect of seeing the Host Club.

"No, I'm fine. Lead the way."

~Honey's POV~

When lunch came, I sat down to some cake and began happily eating it.

Cake made me happy.

The guests were filing in, but I was still sort of focused on my cake. It tasted so good today.

"H-Hey Honey..." I immediately recognised her voice and looked at her properly. She looked a little nervous, but mostly at ease, which made me smile.

~Your POV~

"Hello [Y/N]!! Want some cake?" He beamed like a child, like he usually did and you couldn't help but smile and squeal a bit inside.


"Strawberry, vanilla or chocolate?" You chose (your choice) and he placed a slice of said cake in front of you. 

You were already feeling happier. You got to eat cake and spend time just mucking around with Honey- it was like being a kid again.

Being a kid again...


"Are you alright [Y/N]?" You shook away the awkwardly sad memories and smiled.



You two continued talking for a while, about nearly everything and anything, forgetting about the stress of school and hosting. That is, until your 'time slot' was up.

You thanked Honey for the cake and left, waiting by the door for [B/F/N] to finish up her own time slot with Haruhi.

You two were probably the only girls who knew Haruhi was a girl. You didn't know whether the other Host members knew or not, so you both decided to keep quiet about it. 


A/N: I feel kind of bad, because it was such a short chapter and it took so long! Well, I can tell you why that is.

Basically, I had written over half of the chapter already, but I realised that it was for a future part of the plot- thus, I had to completely restart.

I am really sorry. I promise I'll try and update before Friday- because I have to go to a place with my family for Friday through to Sunday (well, I'll get back on Sunday morning, so I could update then, but I think I'll update before Friday if I can).

Thank you for reading! <3

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