Chapter 24: Pink and White

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A/N: Youtube doesn't have the music I wanted you both to waltz with :(

The song is on Spotify, so search up 'The Gold and Silver Waltz', and choose the one with 'The Manhattan Pops' for the artist and 'Viennese Waltzes' as the album.

If you don't have Spotify (I highly recommend it), then go ahead and choose another waltz.

And if you don't like 'The Gold and Silver Waltz', then you can go with the option above.

I apologise for the inconvenience... I would've used another waltz, but I'm planning to use that for another chapter :) Anyway, enjoy!


"Sit still!" You tried to refrain from any more nervous shuffling as your mother stood behind you, hunched over your head with a look of absolute concentration upon her face. The tip of her tongue poked out of her mouth as she styled your hair into what was supposedly going to look like one of those really pretty up-do bun things. I have no idea what they're called...

[B/F/N] had said she would come to pick you up, but that apparently also meant she was going to help you get ready. As your mother focused on your hair, she focused on your make-up.

With a surprisingly steady hand, she applied make-up that had a professional standard. All the effort they were putting into your appearance made you nervous. They really wanted this to go well for you- that much was clear.

You glanced to the side and nearly gasped, but you managed to hold it in.

You were late.

Late to a ball you were supposed to be hosting.

You shivered when you thought of how Kyoya was going to react.

As soon as they had finished, you barely took anytime to actually look at yourself in the mirror before heading toward the door.

"Wait! We need a picture!" Nina ran toward your mother, the family photo camera in her arms. She handed it to your mum, and if it were any other situation where you weren't a complete nervous wreck on the inside, you would've taken the time to smile at the memories captured with that camera. Instead, you stood as still as you could without shuffling in the small white heels your mother had given you, just long enough for her to take the photo with [B/F/N] standing next to you, completely calm.

You and [B/F/N] made your way into the limo that was supposed to take you to school, and as soon as you had sat down, you told Alexander to go, albeit a little frantically.


As soon as you two had entered the slightly lonely halls of Ouran Academy at night, you felt an overwhelming sense of nervousness- this was completely different to the fear of Kyoya's reaction to your tardiness, because you had finally realised.

You had to dance.

And not by yourself, with other people. With other people of the opposite gender.

It wasn't the dancing part that was worrying you- you knew you could dance well enough after those times when [B/F/N] was teaching you. It was the part about waltzing and dancing with them- from the waltzes you had seen in your lifetime (quite a few, with the parties your parents used to hold), you had always assumed waltzing was something that was really intimate and something you could only do with your significant other.

Obviously, this was not true, otherwise you wouldn't be dancing tonight- but something about this knowledge wasn't exactly lifting your spirits.

As childish as it was, you had kind of hoped you would always get to have your first proper waltz with someone you really cared for (practicing does not count).

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