Chapter 13: Soon-To-Be....

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A/N: Ugh, sometimes, I can be such an idiot you wouldn't believe... Well, what happened was, you know that part before where I told you [B/F/N] liked someone outside of the Host Club?

That isn't true- that was meant for something else. Please don't hate me- though I do kind of deserve it with all these mistakes I'm making... Well, if it makes up for it, this is a longer chapter than usual (I miscalculated the length)...


I changed some things- like, instead of crabs and things like that, Honey found shells. And also, instead of there being three girls up on the cliff, there'll be four- it'll make sense later.



[B/F/N] had left for the beach a while ago, so when you left to go to the beach, you were walking alone. Since you had decided you weren't really into the whole swimming idea, you just wore some shorts and a t-shirt that had a cartoon ice-cream on it. But, just in case, you had your bathing suit underneath.

You found your way to the beach and paused. The entire beach, from first glance, was chaos, balls flying every-which-way and sand flying into the air, laughing and yelling coming from everywhere. The hosts were doing their usual host acts, except for Honey and Takashi, who seemed to be half-hidden behind some rocks looking for things. You decided to leave them alone in-case some girls saw you.

You saw Haruhi sitting underneath an umbrella looking out at the sea, and you saw [B/F/N] talking with Tamaki on a rock a little ways out from the shore. You dodged stray balls and made your way toward Haruhi and with her permission, you sat down.

"Why aren't you swimming? I bet you would look really cute in a swim suit [Y/N]." Haruhi sounded incredibly strained in saying those words, and for a moment, you were shocked until you remembered she was hosting- this wasn't a vacation for them.

"Don't worry Haruhi, you don't have to talk to me like that." You smiled and she turned to you and smiled gratefully.

"But really, why aren't you swimming?"

"Well, with my luck, I'd probably end up embarrassing myself horribly, so for my social life's sake, I'm not swimming." You leaned backward, lying down flat on the bumpy sand. Haruhi laughed a little.

"Fair enough." You both sat/lay there for a while, and when you sat up, preparing to ask Haruhi a question, you saw Honey waving enthusiastically toward you. You waved back before realising he was calling you over- or Haruhi.

"Haruhi, I think Honey wants you." You gestured his way and Haruhi turned to see. She stood up and looked down at you.

"Well? Aren't you coming?" You stood up quickly,

"A-Ah, yeah! Allons-y!" You walked next to Haruhi, making your way to Honey. You looked around and saw a lot of girls glaring daggers at you- it was if the entire 'beach vibe' had been flipped around and they all wanted to murder you. You quickened your pace and found yourself climbing over a large rock rather recklessly. On your way down, your footing slipped and you felt the skin underneath you heel rip a little, letting out a small hiss of pain. You stood on sand and tried not to cringe from the pain.

"Hey Honey!" You smiled, trying not to make it look like you weren't in too much pain. You didn't want Honey to worry- he didn't deserve to. The sand made your cut hurt more than you anticipated, making you move carefully toward Honey who was enthusiastically calling you to a large pile of... Shells?

"Wow." You breathed. This was a lot more than you'd expected- it was even taller than Takashi himself.

"Here [Y/N]-chan~!" Honey skipped to the side of the pile and picked up a large seashell- the kinds that if you bring it up to your ear, you can hear the sea, and passed it to you.

Bittersweet (Honey X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now