Chapter 11: Nina and Tea

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A/N: An important note:

I can't remember if I've already said this or not, but if I haven't, well, here it is: Not everything will be in chronological order. Some thing in the anime or manga will happen before or after it should've happened, some may not even happen at all. Just so you know.

Anyway, enjoy!



You had something called delayed grief. Sometimes, it got pretty annoying and hard to live with.

If you don't understand what that means, it basically means that you don't grieve until everyone else had stopped grieving. Which meant, that you were essentially alone- always. Of course, you had learnt to deal with this sort of thing alone since you were a young kid and you realised you weren't like others.

So, when hearing about your parents situation, you were ultimately drained. It was some sort of grieving process I suppose. Essentially, you felt 'neutral' and your emotions never really changed. It was sort of like being depressed, but you weren't depressed- you were almost depressed.

See, none of this makes any sense. That's the annoying part of this.

You sat at your desk in your dimly lit room while staring at the light blue painted wall, hands in your lap. You had been sitting there for about three hours- the first two were spent doing homework. After that, it took you thirty minutes to realise you missed your parents.

You could deal with missing your parents just fine; but in a situation like this, you knew your mother was delicate. Even more delicate than she was usually.

What had happened, was, that your parents had gotten into an argument. But not like one of those usual arguments that ended the next morning at the latest- no, this was the type of argument that ended in one of them vowing to leave.


You had seen this happen before- your aunt and uncle. It was her choice to leave though, and she had made the right choice. We were the only ones who really saw it, but he was abusive. It wasn't really that hard to tell- he wasn't very smart in hiding it. Thankfully, she left him behind. But still, she was never the same after that.

But you knew your father wasn't abusive- he wasn't that kind of man. Yeah, you didn't know him as well as your mother, but you knew he would never, ever hurt your mother. He gave up his reputation amongst his family for her.

They won't tell you the topic of the argument, but you could tell it was bad.

Really bad.

Your parents were calling you during class, apologising in their own sickly sweet voices- each of course at different times. It still never failed to amaze you that even while fighting, the could say the exact same things. Maybe they were scripted.

Also flowers. You were getting so many flowers. Dozens of flower bouquets were being sent to you from France, all in different arrangements and different types of flowers. They obviously felt bad.

You were starting to feel a little sad, staring at the wall for this long. Of course it had only taken a small amount of time before you were crying a bit. Nothing big, just a tear or two before Nina walked in with a knock.

"I brought tea~!" She sang, spinning in her maids outfit and placing the tray of tea down with a flourish next to you, nearly spilling it in the process. You had managed to wipe away the traces of your tears before she noticed and you smiled thankfully.

"Thanks Nina." She poured you your tea and handed it to you. Once you had taken the cup into your hands, she dragged a big chair to the side of your desk and propped her chin on her hand while looking at you closely. You held the cup of tea as if it were a mug of hot chocolate instead of tea.

"How are you?" Nina spoke softly, carefully. Her usual cheery facial expressions had given away to one of concern which mad you feel a little nervous. You weren't used to others being able to read your emotions so easily- you had always just sort of assumed that you were really good at hiding that sort of thing.

"I'm fine Nina." The words came out a little softer than you had imagined, and you could see her face fall slightly in the corner of your eye. Nina had always been there for you, aside from [B/F/N], she was the closest thing to a sister that you had. She always had the answers to your problems- similar to a mother's instinct I guess.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm fine." For some inexplicable reason, your voice came out firm and it cracked right at the end. A sweeping mixture of frustrated sadness washed over you, and you felt the urge to either cry, or scream. You really didn't want to start crying right now, because if you did, you may not have stopped for hours. And, you had never cried in front of anyone before. It felt as if you were putting too much of yourself out there.

Nina blinked as if she didn't understand what was happening for a moment before her face merged into one of pity. She stood up quietly as if she understood what was going on and walked out the door a little hesitantly.

"If you need me, just call." She looked back over her shoulder- just in case, but you were looking away. The tears spilled over your cheeks and as soon as you heard the 'click' of the door, you let out a small whimper that seemed to make your tears fall quicker, and quicker, until your vision was blurred.

You sat there, crying silently, your entire body shivering from a mixture of stress and sadness.

It was all too much. Too much stress. No amount of flowers or apologies could relieve what stress you had been feeling.

Sometime later, you stumbled into your bedsheets, ignoring the now cold tea and your homework- you could do that tomorrow morning. You just couldn't focus right now.

You snuggled into a tight ball underneath the sheets, slowly gathering and storing heat until you were oh-so close to sleep. You closed your eyes and breathed deeply, eventually falling asleep.


This morning, you had been stressing about getting your homework done, which led to you leaving the house late. Thankfully, you usually got to school really early, so this didn't really make you late or anything like that. You walked through the hallways, eyes glued to the ground in thought.

Right then, someone hugged you tight. From the sudden interaction, you nearly fell over, but they held up upright. After a couple of seconds, you could tell who was hugging you, inevitably making you blush.

"Hey [Y/N]-chan~!"

"Ah, uhm. Hi Honey-senpaii..." You smiled crookedly due to the close proximity between your faces.

"Come with me!" He moved away and began pulling your hand down the hallway, back where you came from and outside toward the front gate. Busses came into view and you saw lines of girls.


A/N: Anyway, sorry about the delay! I kind of had a lot on my plate the past few days, and it'll stay that way until October 13th. After that, it'll be back to normal. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you soon!

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