Chapter 8: Friday Night

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A/N: From now on, I'll be putting in the day at the top- which will hopefully help you with it's chronological order and such. Please note, that some of these events will not occur in the same order they did as in the manga or anime.

Thank you for reading, and I sincerely hope you enjoy!! :D

Also, I hope none of you are lactose intolerant... If you are, sorry 'bout the end...




Science was interesting.

Everything had different outcomes, but all of them had explanations.

Life should be like Science...

"[Y/N]! Could you please go bring these papers to the other Science lab down the hall--" Your teacher continued talking about how he couldn't do it himself, but you were already up and walking toward him smiling politely.

"Thank you!" Your science teacher was probably the only 'casual' teacher at this school, and you used to find that degrading toward the school, but lately, you just found it refreshing. You gingerly took the papers and exited the lab.

You knew why he chose you- you were ahead of the class. It was apart of your deal with your father, so you really had no choice.

With the papers held gingerly in your hand as to not crease them, you walked lightly down the hallway toward the lab he was talking about. The hallway looked so lonely without students in them, like they were made for life- which they were. It made you kind of weary. You looked up at the ceiling, and only just now did you notice that there were small engravings carved into the ceiling. They looked like they were apart of a pattern, but it looked beautiful- like the rest of this school.

You entered the lab, and found it significantly louder than yours- which was kind of understandable, considering this class contained Tamaki and Kyoya. They gained a lot of attention, obviously.

You walked up to the teacher without pausing and handed him the papers, explaining why your teacher couldn't bring them and what they were for. Once your job was complete, you began exciting the door. Kyoya glanced toward the door discreetly before continuing with his experiment.


You and [B/F/N] were walking toward your maths class on the other side of the main building, her voice was slightly high-pitched as she complained about math and how it was annoying and a waste of time. You didn't necessarily agree with her point of view, but you weren't going to interject- that would be a bad idea.

So you just nodded with her words.

You weren't really focused on her words- you were staring at the windows. Not the (beautiful) view outside of those windows, no, you were focused on the designs on the windows and the small spacing between them. You shook yourself away before you were caught by [B/F/N].

"[Y/N]!" Two voices, nearly out-of-sync called out, slightly out of breath in front of you. Even if you hadn't been looking forward, you would've known who they were.




It was 7pm, and you were waiting for [B/F/N] to arrive. While you waited, you wandered around the house. Your Mother and Father were out on a date, leaving you, [B/F/N] and your butlers, maids and cooks. The halls seemed lonelier than usual, similar to the ones at school, like they were supposed to be filled with life and people. It made you feel a bit lonely.

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