Chapter 15: "I Can't Believe"

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A/N: Well, after that chapter, I felt kind of bad for making you go through that...

Also, I know that this is a Honey X Reader story, but that song at the top... I just thought it kind of suited this (mainly next) chapter- and also, IT'S SO FRICKIN' AMAZING!!!!!

Soon I'll put in Honey's song which, in case you haven't heard it before, IS SO ADORABLE YOU'LL HAVE A HEART ATTACK!!!! :D <3

Sorry 'bout that :D Anyway, enjoy!


~A Few Days Later~

You were allowed to have visitors now, and as soon as your parents had found out, they came into the room with a flourish. Even though they acted as if everything was fine, you could tell there was some sort of rift still between them, and you knew easily that the 'fight' that was going on between them hadn't cooled down yet. But you chose not to mention it.

Before the had the chance to say 'hi', you cut in.

"How is [B/F/N] and Haruhi?" They blink like you had interrupted the greatest show in all time before smiling softly.

"[B/F/N] is fine- and so is Haruhi. They didn't end up hurt- just really, really wet." Your mum let out a small laugh as if she felt a little guilty- she probably wished it was one of them sitting in this bed and not me.

"What's with all these shells?" Your father, still wearing his grey suit and red tie looked toward the floor with slight curiosity and a little more disgust. The shells had been placed into a tall pile at the end of your bed, so nurses and doctors could come and go easily.

"A friend brought them." You spoke up quickly, knowing that your father would probably have wanted them to be disposed of, but you couldn't let that happen. Your father and mother looked at you like they were trying to take in every part of you- and based off of their slow reactions, you weren't doing so well.

The pain-killers you were being given were really strong, so you couldn't feel much pain, but in the hour where the pain-killers started wearing off, numbness turned into throbbing and throbbing turned into sharp stings.

Thinking back to the fight, all you could feel was fear. No one had told you what had happened to them afterwards- for all you know, they could be coming back to you for more.

Your parents made their way carefully around the shells and sat either side of you on the bed, careful not to sit on or close to any of your limbs. For a couple of minutes, you all just conversed about how school was going, and you made it a point to avoid talking much about the Host Club. You father would disapprove as soon as the club's name was spoken- when it came to your mum, it was slightly harder to say... She did let them sleepover once, so I guess she doesn't hate them...

"Ah! Great news [Y/N]!" Your mother seemed to have an epiphany and her hands reached her cheeks in a mater of mili-seconds. Your father simply sighed and you blinked in confusion.



"Well, go on, tell me!" You smiled- mum seemed really happy.

"I bought you a whole new wardrobe!" Your smile disappeared instantly, but you tried to bring it back- making it look a little faulty around the edges.

"Pardon?" You asked meekly. This wasn't good- you had some really comfy shirts in there, not to mention your Doctor Who t-shirts and [favourite shirt].

"I bought you a whole new wardrobe full of dresses!"

"Dresses?" You asked as if you couldn't believe it- which you kind of couldn't.

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