Chapter 28: Soccer Fields

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A/N: WARNING: Swearing (Fuck, shit, idiot)

One's destiny is defined by one's actions

Air was colder than normal, but that didn't cause you any discomfort as you lay in the grass of one of the seemingly many fields of Ouran Academy.

The sky was a brilliant shade of blue as it hung clouds above you, and you watched them move with a strange feeling of bittersweet-ness. How exactly you got to this point was blurred in your head, but you knew that it had something to do with the fact that you really didn't want to go hosting today. They were probably upset with you for skipping, but the likely hood of them coming for you was pretty unlikely, so you didn't bother hiding. And anyway, they definitely wouldn't come looking here in all places.

The wind ran through the grass and shifted your dress a little, but you didn't do anything to fix it- everything was so much calmer here than everywhere else. It was really quite therapeutic, after a couple of minutes of just lying there.

"Oi, [Y/N]- is'at you?" Your eyes snapped open. Great. No matter where I go, I am forever hosting.

"Oh- hey... Am I in your way?" You sat up, looking up at the familiar figure of one of your regular guests at the Host Club. He was looking at you like he was a little concerned, which confused you, when you realized that he must've came out to practice his soccer, to see a girl lying smack-bang in the middle of the field.

"Nah, but..." Akihiro trailed off, like he thought it may somehow offend you if he asked why you were here. It was obvious that's what he was thinking about, as he glanced around the field- almost like he preparing to see other people pop out of nowhere and lie on the ground too.

"Why am I here? To be honest, it's kind of a long story, and also something I don't really know how to explain." He nods, and you stand up.

"Well, uhm, the Host Club--"

"Don't talk about the Host Club." You say automatically, and Akihiro snaps his mouth shut like he believed he had said something to deeply offend you. He had a very readable face, you realize. "Oh, sorry, it's just... I really don't feel like Hosting today, so I kinda just skipped out on it."

"Won't Kyoya be mad?"

"Mad? You underestimate the Shadow King, Akihiro."


"Don't tell him I said that."

~Reiko's POV~

I think [Y/N] has had her soul stolen.

Whether or not it was by Honey or not, I can't tell yet. But I can just tell her soul's been captured.

I can also tell she doesn't seem to be doing anything about it, which confuses me.

Why doesn't she hate it? Why doesn't she want to steal his soul, too?

Maybe her souls been stolen by Honey, similarly to me. And if I am correct in that assumption, maybe that's why she doesn't want to help me. Perhaps her soul is so far gone, she feels she can't steal it back. Or maybe the reason she doesn't want to steal his soul is because she feels she doesn't need it.

Well, that's good- I'd much rather not have any rivals.

And even if I did, I wasn't just going to let him give his soul away to anybody.

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