Diagon Alley

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Inside there were only a few people quietly chatting with each other and a thin bartender whose face lightened up as he saw them enter. "Hagrid." He called out. "Long time no see. How it's going?"
"Everythin's fine, Tom." Hagrid answered in his deep voice. "'have a guest with meh. Would you bring as too butterbeers and too portions of 'ur wife's famous soup?" He asked. "Certainly. Please sit down." The man offered and ushered into the next room yelling for his wife. Hagrid let himself fall onto one of those chairs which seemed just too tiny for him and Harry feared it would crack any minute under his weight. But the chair didn't burst. It eventually matched even Hagrid's size. "Odd." Harry commented absently walking around Hagrid to the opposite spot. "Whatisit?" Hagrid asked. "Nothing." Harry mumbled and sat down onto his own chair. "Nothin'." Hagrid scoffed. "Don't ya have any questions ya'd like to ask me?" His beady eyes glittered with amusement. Harry shot him a suspicious glance. "Any question I want?" He asked a bit too eagerly. "Yup. That's why Imma here." Hagrid announced. "Alright." Harry looked onto his hands. Not sure what to say. "Am I dreaming?" He asked then hesitantly mentally crossing his fingers. "Nah." The giant laughed. "Why'd ya think that?"
"You can do pretty do weird stuff." Harry mumbled. "Oh, ya mean the motorbike?" Harry nodded. "It's not mine. 'have loaned it from good old Sirius."
"Ah. But why can it fly?"
"Why shouldn'tit?"
"Because that is not what motorbikes normally do?"
"They don't?" Hagrid looked pretty confused. "Not where I come from." Harry smiled. "But I like it. Flying is gorgeous." Hagrid seemed pleased. At this moment Tom arrived with their plates. "Today's soup is out." He apologized. "But may I offer you some fried eggs? I make you a special price." He offered. "Course. They look delicious." Hagrid said and took the plates from Tom who went back to his spot behind the bar. "Good hunger." Hagrid grunted before he dug in his food. Hesitantly Harry brought the first bite to his mouth. He hadn't eaten in days and his stomach rumored as he chewed his delicious meal. He hoped Hagrid wouldn't comment on the churning noises his stomach made. But the giant didn't seem to notice. "Harry. Do ya have any other questions, 'bout Hogwarts maybe?" Hagrid asked through a mouthful. "What is Hogwarts?" Harry blurted before he could stop himself. "Hogwarts? Come on, if ya don't wanna ask anything you can just say so." Hagrid sighed. Harry felt his face turning red. "I-I am serious." He stuttered. "I have no clue what do you want from me." Hagrid's eyes widened as he recognized Harry wasn't joking. "Ya do nothin'. Do you?" He asked flabbergasted. "What nothing?" Harry asked back. "Nothin' 'bout our whole world. Nothin' 'bout magic?" Harry shook his head. "Magic?" He asked. "I'm sorry Harry. No idea. 'thought the famous Harry Potter'd certainly know everything and I would just bore him and..." Harry tried to look as apologetic as possible at Hagrid who seemed now pretty sad. "Well, you could tell me now." Harry suggested carefully. As far as Harry could see Hagrid was nothing like his uncle and he was pleasantly surprised about that. "Alright." Hagrid sniffed. "Harry, ya probably recognized ya can do other people can't do at some point of you life." He asked smiling widely. Harry shook his head shyly. "Comon don't be shy." Hagrid prodded. "I-i can speak to Snakes." Harry mumbled. "I can heal people by just touching him." He added carefully. "And-" But Hagrid didn't let him finish. "Harry, that is amazing." He shouted through a mouthful. "Exactly what I am talking about. 'Knew ya had it inside." Harry shifted nervously on his chair. "This things are normal?" He asked suspiciously. "Yup, in our world they are and therefore ya belong at Hogwarts." At Harry's questioning look he explained. "Hogwarts is a school for young wizards and witches where the formidable art of witchcraft and wizardry." The giants eyes became dreamy. "I myself were once student at that school. You'll have fun there. I promise you." He twinkled at Harry who watched him disbelievingly. "Ah, and I got ya invitation." Hagrid snatched his fingers and instantly a letter appeared which he handed to the boy who took it with a faint smile. "Open it." Hagrid pressured. "Alright." Harry took a deep breath, his meal long forgotten, and opened the letter. Inside were a heavy parchment. He began to read:

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