Teaching and Learning

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A little after eight am Harry stood in the kitchen but Snape didn't show up. So Harry decided to make breakfast using the new spells his professor had taught him. Thirty minutes later Snape strolled into the room. "I see you got the hint." He sneered and seated himself at the table. Harry joined him immediately. They ate in silence til Snape raised his perfectly calm voice: "Did you masturbate last evening?" Harry spluttered the juice he was drinking in shock. "You have to control your emotions." His professor sneered. Harry looked at him in Horror. "Why do I have to learn that?" "Because the dark lord is a master in reading emotions. By controlling them you take out one of your many weaknesses." The man explained in a silky voice. "Okay, I get that." Harry said helplessly. But Snape was not done. "Did you think about Cho while you masturbate?" "What? Hell no?" Harry cried in shock. Snape looked at him with a neutral gaze. "You're an open book to me. Try harder." "Did you like being kissed by her?" Harry went crimson and shouted back. "At least I had someone to kiss, not like you!" "Oh, I had someone to kiss. Your father to be exact." Strangely, Harry felt a sting in his heart as he shouted: "Tell my you are lying, you bastard." Snape watched at Harry in perfect calm. "You may see, how easy you are to upset and why this training is necessary?" "Tell me the truth you asshole." Harry spat in uproar. "Watch your language, Potter." Snape hissed. Harry's eyes blazed with fury at him but Snape didn't care. He didn't want the boy to like him. A few minutes they stared at each other till Potter seemed composed again. "Lesson number two for today -" Snape continued as if nothing had happened - "is physical combat. Most wizards focus only on their magic and neglect their physical strength. Therefore they're at a huge disadvantage when they loose their wand but this you already experienced first hand, didn't you, Potter?" The boy didn't reply probably because he wasn't done sulking. Snape let out an annoyed sigh. "Follow me, Potter."

He rose from the table and lead to a spacious room in the basement where a whole lot training supplies were. "Do you have ever heard of a material art called yuzu?" Harry nodded. "I came across it on a research." "Good, then you probably know that it requires a well trained body to work it perfectly. I will show you know some basic movements, try to imitate me."

Harry admired with what ease Snape performed the basics and tried to keep up. After a few minutes the potionmaster commented. "You know the basics already, do you?" "Yeah, well, I practiced Yuzu a little, because I thought it might help me to protect myself." Harry stuttered. "That's an odd realization for our cocky golden boy". Snape thought, but drawled: "If you know the basics already, then how about we have a little fight?" Harry looked at him in consideration. "I don't know. I have always practiced alone. I probably cannot keep up with you." He voiced his doubts. "Much things you just learn by doing them." Snape pointed out. "Alright." Harry said nervously. Snape performed the traditional dueling gesture only wizards did. Harry imitated him. Then Snape attacked Harry with an immense speed. Harry didn't even see him coming as he felt the first hit at his chest. Hastily he tried to focus on his defense but it was no use. In a bliss of pain Harry decided to rather attack than to block. He threw his fists at Snape but he caught it like one of a little child. "Potter, you need more strength." Snape recognized. "I will assign you a plan to build up stamina." Harry simply nodded, not able to talk out of sheer exhaustion. "Rest now, Potter. I will meet you in the kitchen in an hour." Snape commanded before he let go of Harry's hands to turn around. Harry crashed to the floor. He didn't even notice Snape carrying his whole body weight. "Stupid git." He thought as he lay on the floor unable to move. They must have been fighting for hours

Harry wasn't able to go up for half an hour. As he was able to he dragged himself to the bathroom to take a shower. After that he went to the kitchen where Snape awaited him. He had cooked smashed potatoes and porridge for dinner. Nothing fancy but Harry appreciated it either way. They ate in silence as til Snape raised his voice. "Why did you decide to learn Yuzu instead of another material art?"

"Hmm, I thought it would be a good combination with wand combat." Harry said thoughtfully. "What an unusual eloquent answer of you, Potter." Snape sneered, as he began to make the dishes while Harry wondered whether Snape had just complimented him or not.

Later that evening they sat in the library together. Snape gave Harry a book about defense spells to read before he started reading as well. They spent the evening almost in complete silence. Eventually Harry asked Snape for advice if he didn't understand something but that was all they talked. Harry came to think that Snape was indeed a bearable company, although his body hurt.

A little later Harry excused himself to go to bed. He had the feeling he couldn't even talk coherently any more. "Potter, I see you tomorrow 8am." "Yes, good night, sir." Harry answered before he left.

The first days Harry went through much training and didn't sleep much.

Soon the after effects noticeable. One day, after yuzu practice where Snape had discarded him with more ease than before Harry just couldn't get up. "Potter, get up in an instant." Snape demanded. But Harry didn't hear him. In fact he was sleeping of exhaustion. Snape sighted heavily. There was no use with that boy at all.

Unfortunately, the boy looked gorgeous even in such an ungraceful position. Severus forced himself not to touch the slightly golden skin, to ran a finger over the delicate jawline. He had to be careful or he would develop desires for the boy he never could give in to. Maybe he was more of a masochist than he thought. After all he had decided to be locked up with the boy in a house for over a month. With a heavy sigh Snape carried the sleeping boy who was oddly light for his age to bed. Later he watched Harry sleep for a long time, torn between grace and desire. He had to be strong, he always was.

Always, SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now