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 "Mr. Potter, who thought the blacks had such a formidable laboratory." Snape said trailing his lip with his index finger, lost in thoughts. Harry watched his professor in a mixture of amusement and horror. "Have you unpacked yet?" Snape asked him in a rash tone. Harry shook his head. "Then I suggest you go and just do that. When you have finished meet me in the kitchen." "Yes, Sir." Harry replied. Snape turned back to his potions and tried to forget all those forbidden thoughts what he could do with such an obedient Harry.

Harry quickly unpacked his things. It wasn't much he owned. His broom, some books about charms and potions, a blue piece of glass, his owl.

Then he made his way to kitchen where Snape was awaiting him. "Please have a seat, Potter." Snape gestured to the opposite chair on the kitchen table. "How about we agree on some rules to make our time together...bearable." Snape began thoughtfully. "That's fine, sir." Harry agreed obediently. "Rule one: You do everything I say with no exception. Rule two: Ask me as many questions you can even if they are annoying. Rule three: You will not enter the laboratory without my permission. Did you understand that?" Snape looked sternly at Harry. "Yes, sir." Harry replied obediently once more. Then he asked: "Have you eaten yet?" Snape shook his head in mild surprise. "Well, I can cook, you know?" Without accepting any further reply he stood up and began to search the kitchen for food which was plenty.

Snape watched the boy work in silence. A few minutes later the dinner was ready. Nothing extravagant just some eggs with toast and a soup. Harry looked at him shyly. "If you want I can cook every time. I learned it at my uncles." "You may do so." Snape replied curtly. After they had eaten Snape said: "Do you know any housekeeping spells?" Harry declined. "I can show you a few." Snape taught Harry a spell to wash dishes, one to cup vegetables and some more. Harry was fascinated that magic could do even such simple things.

Then Snape said to him. "Go to bed, Potter. I'll see you tomorrow at eight o clock right here." Harry nodded and left the kitchen to do as Snape had said. By now it felt strangely natural to him to follow any instruction the man gave without hesitation.

Back in his room he wondered what may come of it. All his life he had loathed Snape for such behavior but now it was different. He was different. That night he dreamed a lot of strange things about him and Snape and Voldemort which didn't let him rest at all. Those damn dreams seemed edgy to him. Tired Harry gathered his things and made his way downstairs.

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