Sleeping with you

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Suddenly Snape heard the boy screaming. Growing nervous he rushed in Harry's bedroom before he even realized what he was doing. The boy must been having a worse nightmare because he sounded like he was tortured. Snape tried to wake the quivering mass in front of him by force but he failed. What was going on? Harry hold his arms like he was shielding himself from something and his face showed a great strain of pain. Snape pitied him. (No one should be able to harm Harry but him) Harry had not chosen this, not like him back in times... The helpless screams continued. Snape tried to calm his student by soothing him with warm words which Harry didn't hear. Was Voldemort tormenting Harry while he slept? Quickly Snape chanted some hexes to send some adequate potions flying towards him. Harry was in danger, that he was sure of. Then he tried to pure some of the potions in Harry's clenched mouth. The one he was kissing before... No that was not the time to think of such things. Slowly Harry calmed down but didn't wake up. Occupied Snape watched the boys sleep. Eventually, he decided it was best if he stayed here in case something happened until the boy woke up. He conjured himself a comfortable armchair and spelled a glass of gin towards him. Sipping his drink he watched Harry's eyes moving behind closed lids. The boy seemed stable now. Snape tried to wake him up once more but Harry wouldn't. Growing suspicious Snape continued to watch the boy. He debated to work legimens on him but Dumbledore had forbidden it. Although he had broken this rule once so why not twice? Torn between desire and guilt Snape didn't noticed Harry moving. Slowly the young man opened his eyes confused to find Snape watching him with a stern expression. "Um, Professor, what are you doing here?" He mumbled. Snape gazed at the boy and said dryly. "You had a nightmare and wouldn't wake up." Suddenly Harry looked pained. "Yes, I know that. But why are you here?" The mocking question made Snape angry. "Insolent brat. I'm here cause I worry about you." He could watch Harry's cheeks flush in memory of their kiss. Snape nearly blushed to. "I'm sorry, sir. I forgot to put a silencing charm on me before I went to bed. Please don't punish me." The boy flinched. "Why would I do that?" Snape asked stunned. Harry averted his gaze again as he mumbled. "Because without those spells I would be loud and disturb you. I'm sorry, sir." He added quickly. "That's why you cast those silencing charms on a regular basis?" Snape clarified occupied. "Well, yeah." The boy admitted. "For how long have your been doing this?" Snape questioned further. "Since last summer I guess...when..." Harry looked somewhat ashamed. "There is no need to be ashamed, Harry, your emotions are quite natural." Snape's words made Harry flinch but he nodded, tears burning in his eyes. "You know I can brew you a potion that prevents those dreams." Snape said softly. "Yeah and thank you but due to a certain reason I won't take it often." Harry said honestly. "Potter, what importance can a dream have that you prefer to suffer night after night." Snape snarled. "It's about Voldemort. Often I can see what he is doing and yet is he planning something and I have to know." Harry explained. "Did it occur to you that not everything is your duty what regards the dark lord?" Snape asked the boy bewildered. "No, 'cause I am the bloody boy who lived who is supposed to kill him." Harry said desperately. "And if you were Dumbledore himself, no one is responsible for what the dark lord is doing, neither I, nor Dumbledore, nor any 14 year old Gryffendor brat." Snape replied heatedly. Harry choose to say nothing. He just stared at his bare hands. Then he suddenly rose his voice. "What about you, are you going to spy for Dumbledore again?" The question hit Snape out of the blue. "That's none of your business." He spat. "If I were you I would not. They are up to something but I don't know quite what it is yet. But please be aware." Harry pleaded. "Your compassion is admirable. But I will not make my decision based on the judgment of a boy with nightmares." Snape announced pissed off. Harry looked hurt. "Would you mind going now?" He asked frostily. "No, as your guardian I am to make sure you are not molested by those dreams." And before Harry could say something Snape waved his wand and the bed extended itself. Gaping at his professor Harry noticed Snape wasn't wearing one of his usual teaching or fighting robes but a pyjama. Without another word the professor lay done beside him and looked at him with an annoyed but also pleased expression. "I will wake you up if you have any nightmares. Because that's what people do." He announced self sufficient. "Not my people." Harry grunted and turned his face to the other side."

Snape watched the boy for a long time until he was sure he was in deep slumber. Then he allowed himself to think about how he landed up in Potter's bed. How come he always lost his head if the likes of Potter were involved? Snape groaned as he watched the boy turning towards him still asleep. His life had been easier as he still hated the boy. What had changed?

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