Yule ball - Smut

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Around Christmas Harry felt utterly nervous for the first time in his life. He had a decision to make. As a participant of the trimagic tournament he was supposed to do the first dance together with the other three. That confronted him with two unknown problems. Firstly, he had no one to go with and secondly he couldn't dance.
Harry decided to eliminate problem number one first and so he tried to hold a conversation with Hermione about who he should go with. To his surprise Hermione seemed not offended that he didn't want to go with her. Harry had noticed her eying Viktor Krumm and sought them to be. Even if that meant upsetting Ron. Hermione suggested that he should ask Cho Chang, a smart Ravenclaw girl she was friends with. And so Harry did. He tried to pass her while being not surrounded with her many friends. But that seemed just impossible. Desperately he tried to talk to Hermione how to best approach her. But she seemed spaced out and only able to talk about Krumm. So Harry decided after a whole week of chasing her to take all his Gryffendor courage and simply ask her -in front of her friends.
One brief break before potion lesson he walked casually over to her and took a deep breath. He had the utter feeling to mate a total fool out of himself as he asked her to go to the ball with him. But to his surprise she smiled brightly at him and said yes. Harry was so relieved he hugged her. Suddenly the world was ten shades brighter and Harry didn't noticed anyone staring at him before he could feel a could tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see the strained face of his professor. "Class begins now, Potter." The man growled. Harry nodded in agreement, not even potions could ruin his day because he had a date. And Snape really did his best to do so. He took points more often than even usual and was especially rude. But Harry didn't noticed 'cause he had a date.
A week later, he sat with his friends in the Gryffendor common room and listened to an excited Ron who told them he had just asked Fleur who told him to wait because she needed consideration time. Apparently Ron couldn't sit quiet even after the exhausting quidditch practice which had tired Harry out. In the middle of their conversation Harry spaced out and tried to figure out how he should learn to dance. He asked all of his roommates for help but unfortunately nobody of them could dance either- which wasn't an unusual thing since they were just in fourth grade. So Harry took it he had to figure it out by himself.
He planned to include dancing in his midnight training sessions which he held daily nowadays because the triwizard tournament was really tough and he didn't know if he had survived this long if he hadn't increased his efforts.
So as Harry couldn't sleep once more at night he slipped under his invisible cloak once more and made his to the room of requirements which provided him with all necessary material for his training. Today Harry got quite absorbed in his training because he did only physical exercises like dancing and complex defense spells. Because the latter was so interesting he overstayed his regular training time. As he finally made his way back it was past five in the morning and he felt energetic. He didn't bother to wear his invisible cloak because at this time no one was usually around. The teacher's patrolling orders only applied til two in the morning. So Harry decided a bit carelessness suited him. He enjoyed wandering alone in silence around the corridors of his only home. He even tried some of his new dance moves. He felt great. He would go to the ball with a girl and dance. Sometimes life was good, even to him.
This particular feeling went away fast as he saw Snape leaning against the wall in the end of the corridor, a faint smirk on his lips. Harry's dreamy expression fell as the professor asked in a voice like silk: "Potter, what are you doing here at this ungoldly hour?" Desperately Harry searched for an answer which wouldn't cost him a dozen of house points. "I was sleepwalking." He babbled helplessly. "Seemed more like dancing to me". Snape sneered. Harry went crimson. "I'm sorry, sir, but i have to dance at the yule ball but i can't so i decided to learn it." Harry uttered "And why do you think the corridors after curfew are an appropriate choice for such an activity?" Snape said in a sharp tone. "I don't know, I'm sorry, sir. But no one could teach me." Harry defended himself.
"Is that so?" Snape quirked an eyebrow. "Maybe i should help you?"
"Would you?" Harry asked surprised. As answer Snape took Harry's hand and began leading him to a slow, silent melody. Harry was so stunned that he didn't even questioned Snape's behavior.
They danced what felt like an eternity. It felt good. More than i have a date good. Unconsciously Harry leaned closer and he could hear Snape whisper something in his ear but he didn't understand. The sensation of the man so close to him made him tremble.
Snape shot Harry a piercing look before he let go of him. He had gone to far. The boy surely an explanation for his unusual behavior but he wasn't ready to give one. He only knew he shouldn't be dancing with Harry. It was innocent but also wrong. But the boy didn't say anything, he just looked back at him with his green eyes. Snape felt startled. He really shouldn't be doing this and so he backed away. Harry looked at him in pure astonishment before he sorted his expression out. Snape knew he had gone to far but couldn't think of a better way to undo this situation. The damage was done. "Go to bed, Potter." He barked, then turned around to pursuit his actual destination, the potion laboratory. Harry gazed at Snape in awe before he left too. It already felt surreal like a dream to him.
The sun just raised over the forbidden forest as Harry arrived at Gryffendor tower. In his dormitory his fellows still slept. Harry crept in his bed, relieved today was a Saturday. He slept late in the day and was woken for dinner by a rather chimed Ron who would go with a certain Fleur to the ball. Harry was delighted.
A week later it was time for them to prepare for the ball which took place at Christmas Eve. Harry charmed some flowers to sparkle and glow in the dark. Quite sufficient with the outcome he noticed Ron staring at him jealously. "Maybe you should pay more attention in charms." Harry commented as he hexed his friends red rose to smell like chocolate. Ron was amazed. Then they dressed themselves in their festive suits and made their way downstairs and waited for Hermione.

Half an hour later Hermione entered the common room dressed in a beautiful blue dress. Harry saw his mates cheeks flushing red and wondered if he should also be sheepish. But he wasn't. Nevertheless he grinned widely at Hermione and stated: "You look smoking." Thanks, you too." She glanced at him and Ron who nodded stiffly.

Ridiculed Harry made his way to the Ravenclaw tower, while Ron went to the tower where the Beauxbatons housed while they were visiting Hogwarts. Only Hermione waited for Krumm at the Gryffendor tower.

Nervously he entered the Ravenclaw tower to meet Cho who wore a dress in a faint red. She looked beautiful. Harry gave Cho the flowers and she seemed delighted. She put a red flower at Harrys suit and flushed. Harry was relieved she seemed to like his present. Quickly he spelled his tie which was green like his eyes into a red one to match the whole outfit. Cho laughed at him. Then he took her hand and lead her to the great hall which was decorated in red shades. Harry smiled at Cho. They took their seeds beside Fleur and Ron who had an argument about the chocolate smelling flower which decorated Fleurs hair now. Hermione and Victor showed up just as Dumbledore began holding his speech together with Madam Maxime. It was a superficial secret the headmaster of Durmstrang didn't appreciated the ball which he had announced at breakfast righteously. After the long and boring speech which Harry didn't even listen to because he was super nervous the first dance was due. Harry was leaded by Cho to the dance floor. Somehow, she seemed much more confident about such things than he was. As the music started, a slow waltz and the four pairs (Hermione and Krumm, Ron and Fleur, Cedric and Angelina Johnson and Harry and Cho) started whirling around in slow circles. By and by other pairs joined them and Harry grinned towards Neville and Ginny who danced like they were in trance. Harry was happy he didn't blow up the first dance like anticipated- Suddenly the whole world seemed ten shades brighter to him. But Cho didn't danced as good as Snape had and suddenly the events of that very night crashed down on Harry. He had danced with Snape and it had felt good. He couldn't tell if he liked it better than dancing with Cho but now he didn't felt that flushed and excited.

He looked over the crowed and spotted Snape who stood at the other end of the crowd but eyed him with his usual dark glare. Harry needed some time to realize the other man was watching him and he didn't know what to make of it.

Some time later Cho and Harry joined Hermione and Krumm at the bar who were drinking butterbeer. Harry searched for Snape's gaze again but the man was gone. He felt confused. As the evening prevailed the mood became more and more agitated and Harry saw how Ron gave Fleur a little peck as he went to his brothers who had an argument with Percy about who of them had put alcohol in the bowl."

Instantly Harry wondered if he should kiss Cho, too. But he decided not to. What if he did something wrong?

It became a quite nice evening and as Harry and Cho left as one of the last pairs she pulled him into a dark corridor. Cho seemed rather happy because she curled her arms around his shoulders. They stood this way for a little time until Harry felt it was the right moment to kiss her.

But he just couldn't. Then he heard Snape who must have been passing by. "My, my Potter the romantic hero. May I inform you that such a behavior is not a public matter." Harry noticed Cho's expression fell. Protective he stood between her and Snape determined to prevent her from further trouble. "Yes, you are right, sir." He turned around to take Cho's hand in order to lead her away but she hushed past him and Snape, crying.

A moment of silence followed. Then Harry said looking Snape righteous in the eye: "Thank you."

The older man nodded at Harry in confusion: "What for?"

"I wouldn't prefer to kiss her." Harry explained and turned to go while Snape's mind was bursting. Did the boy who lived just admit he was gay? He was tempted to ask. But no Harry was far too innocent and Snape was far to honorable than to spoil him, was he?

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