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"Detention, Potter." This habitual sentence was the only thing Snape could think of as he heard words he didn't want to hear, he had secretly hoped for, he could have misinterpreted, he couldn't forget.. School had started again and with the new year Harry had also faced his second task which he thankfully managed to survive while leaving Snape worried sick who still didn't have a clue on the traitor who had tampered with the goblet of fire. Therefore he dished out more detentions to the golden boy now than ever. Just so he could watch Harry. Of course, the students and even teachers hated him for turning on their hero. Only Harry didn't seem to mind who deliberately took any abuse Snape confronted him with.
A few days after the second task the boy stumbled bruised but otherwise fine into his office as he had for so many times already. But this time was different. Harry had noticed Snape behaved differently these days and he was curious why. "What are you looking at?" Snape asked not even raising his view from the papers he was grading. "Nothing, sir." Harry said. "Just start rewriting the sentences you didn't finished last time." Snape growled. Without any retort Harry began to write. Well, this was unusual. "Potter, aren't you complaining and whining how unfair you life is?" Snape snarled. Harry looked at him surprised. Then turned his head away from his professor to gather his thoughts. "I've grown used to you." He said simply turning back to his paper. "What is that supposed to mean?" Snape hissed in his most menacing voice. "I mean I have spent probably more time with you than everybody else in this castle." Harry said softly. "Is that so?" Snape raised an eyebrow. "Then why doesn't it bother you?" He asked in his nastiest voice. "Because if you spend so much time with someone you get to know them. Even if it's someone as private as you." Harry said sheepishly. He pissed Snape off a great deal. "What do you know about me?" He spat. "You hate me but you love to punish me." Snape glared down at him. "Ten points for insolence, Potter." He hissed. "I don't care about the house points anymore. Nobody does, since Gryffendor is thanks to you at a minus. What is by the way a record. I looked it up. Congratulations." Harry informed him sarcastically. Snape's lips curled into a sneer. "Oh I have to thank you, you played a mayor role." He hissed. "Only because you always provoke me. Without you none of this would happened." Harry nearly shouted. "Potter, control your voice or I will-" "Will what?" Harry asked frustrated. "Take another hundred worthless house points? Give me more detention? I don't care." He shouted. "Level your voice, you foolish brat." Snape spat towering above Harry. "Or what?" The boy asked. "You can't do anything to me." He added defiantly. "You probably forgot to whom you are talking to." Snape said in an icy voice. With one swift movement he grabbed Harry's arm and pulled the boy over his knee. "What are you doing, professor?" Harry asked in shock. "I am going to spank you, impertinent brat." The man hissed. "But it's prohibited, I'll tell Dumbledore." Harry tried to wriggle himself out of Snape's tight grip. "I don't care, Potter, and now be silent while I punish you for your misbehavior." Snape said menacingly. "But-" Crack. A hard blow crashed on Harry's butt. Harry yelped in surprise. "I told to be silent." Another blow. Harry cried out in pain and tried desperately to get free but Snape was merciless. "I am going to hit you ten times and I want you to count. Do you understand?" Snape's voice was suddenly close to Harry's ear. "Yes." Harry rasped. Instantly a blow hit his but. "One." Harry cried out, then another. "Two." Harry whined as the pain spread through his body. Crack. "Three." He yelped. Suddenly he felt a burning sensation rush through him. No, he wasn't going to get hard. Not now, he couldn't get hard in Snape's lab. Tears gathered in his eyes as Harry tried to subside his upcoming desire. Too late, another two blows hit him. They made it impossible for him to concentrate. Snape hit him once more and Harry cried out. His whole butt hurt by now. He tried to shifted slightly so Snape wouldn't notice his hardness but Snape pinned him down. "Don't forget to count or we will start allover." Snape threatened while another crack made Harry shiver. "Seven." Harry breathed. He was so hard by now Snape had certainly noticed and Harry could do nothing. Tears were blurring his sight as two more hits crashed his burning but. "eightnine." Harry withered. He was so hard he just might come here on the spot. Crack. "Ten." At last Harry couldn't hold back anymore, he buckled up and came like he never had before. He certainly would have fallen to the floor without Snape holding him tight till Harry had caught his breath. He stared at Snape in total shock while the older man purred in his ear: "Potter, I have learned about your dark desires, too. You need to be punished, you crave it. You just pretend to hate it because you are afraid everyone would turn against you if they knew the real you." Snape's voice cut like steel trough him. "Let me go." Harry's voice cracked. Snape gave his arms free. Harry struggled to stand on his shaky legs. He left without another word but he knew: Like always, Snape was right.

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