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The next day Harry met Hagrid outside in the yard while he explored the grounds together with Hermione. Hagrid invited him cheerfully to visit him the next day. Harry thankfully accepted. He had never been invited before.

The next afternoon Harry went to Hagrid's hut where he drank tea and ate cake with the giant. The hut was little and dusty but Harry liked from the first second. Hagrid also got a huge dog named fang and Norbert, the little Dragon. Harry who had only heard of dragons from tales was amazed. He spent the whole afternoon playing with Hagrid's unusual pets who were despite their dangerous looks really amicable.

Therefore Harry mismanaged the time and had to sneak back into the castle long after curfew when it was already dark outside.

Inwardly he was cursing himself for his foolishness. He wasn't even two weeks at Hogwarts and he just managed to break a rule but he was all the more determined not to get caught, some hope which was scattered the very moment he sat food into the castle. First he didn't see the black figure standing at the stairs. Harry only noticed as he heard his name thundered. "Mr. Potter." Harry's head shot up. "What does a Gryffendor such as yourself do here after curfew?" Snape's voice was cutting. "I-" Harry stuttered but Snape interrupted him. "If you think the rules don't apply to you just because you are the famous chosen one you are immensely mistaken. I won't pamper you around like everyone else does because of your fame. You may not believe it but you are not extraordinary. Indeed you are nothing more than a stupid Gryffendor who doesn't know his place. Just like your father." Harry listened intimidated to Snape's rant while he looked into the black, fathomless eyes rather confused. Therefore you will serve detention when-." Snape stopped abruptly as Dumbledore appeared behind the corner. "Ah, good evening, Severus. And you must be Harry." Dumbledore beamed at the young Gryffendor who didn't have a clue what was happening but knew due to Snape's angry face he was saved. "Nice to meet you, sir. I am myself delighted to finally see you. Hagrid told me so much about you." Harry replied politely. "How would you like to visit me at my office the next days?" Harry accepted the offer happily while Snape glared like he would like to throttle the headmaster any minute. But this didn't alter Dumbledore's cheerful mood. "Well, then it's set. Maybe you should return to your dorm? The corridors aren't as enjoyable to this nighty hour as your dorm, don't you agree?" Harry had to hold back a smile but he nodded enthusiastically and then excused himself quickly. He had the feeling Snape might explode any minute.

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